Chapter 5

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*• January 2013 •*
- Los Angeles, USA -
~< The True Beginning >~
~< Struggling In Silence Not Secret >~

ADDIE TUGGED AT THE WAISTBAND OF HER SHORTS, a wave of satisfaction overcoming her when she realized it was a loose fit.

"Hey, Jo?" Addie called, looking to Jo, her stylist. "Uh, these shorts are a little loose."

Jo frowned. "They were made to your measurements. Did they take them down wrong?"

Jo ran her hands over the waist of the shorts, tugging on it, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

This was why they always did a dressing check before performances, to make sure her clothes weren't off.

"Shit, Addie," Jo cursed under her breath. "How on earth did you lose weight again?"

Addie felt that rush of satisfaction. So it wasn't just her who noticed it. She had really lost weight. Making a mental note that her diet was working, Addie tried to keep the smirk off her face as Jo adjusted her shorts.

"Dunno," Addie muttered, "You know how my body gets while on tour."

Whenever Addie had a lot of performances, or went on tour, in between the sleep deprivation, stress, rehearsals, running around stage and actual performances, she ended up losing weight.

Last tour, they'd had to take her measurements almost every month to keep up with the way her body adjusted. Slimming down and then building up muscle. They weren't as drastic changes as Addie wished, but it was enough to make it uncomfortable and unflattering to perform in.

Jo finished taking Addie's new measurements, and sure enough, they'd changed from last time.

Once she was done, Addie took of the clothes, and changed back into her original outfit, simple but stylish. A black button-up and a red vest on top, tucked into jeans with a belt her grandma had gifted her (it did not look grandma-ish, in fact it was very chic). Not to mention the very cute converse high-tops.

Addie had always gotten knock-off converse from Walmart, and after waiting a few years for them to get old, she could finally get a new pair of shoes, this time real converse.

(Addie's mom refused to let her get actual brand converse until she'd grown out of the old pair. Reasonable, but Addie had been desperate for real Converse since she was twelve.)

The double doors opened, and Addie sighed. "I'll be just a moment, Jo!"

She finished zipping her jeans, and placed the buckle of the belt in her mouth as she ran it through to the other side through the belt loops while walking out of the changing room.

Addie froze. Voice muffled by the belt buckle, she said, "You're not Jo."

His curls looked more defined than ever with how they'd been cropped short, his green eyes more evident than ever before, and his jawline looked so much sharper.

"Nope. I'm Harry," he stated, waving with one hand.

Harry looked like he'd aged three years since the last time she'd saw him, which was two months ago. His baby face had faded away slightly, face now displaying angles and crevices.

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