Chapter 10

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*• March 2013 •*
- New York City, USA -
~< The First Date >~

HARRY LOOKED GORGEOUS. His curls fell like dominoes, framing his face in just the right way. His green eyes were mesmerizing, looking a bit more blueish-gray today, and he was wearing black pants and a white button-up.

Addie stifled a grin at the sight. She was a giggly, teenage puddle the moment she was around Harry.

For the most part, Addie prided herself on being able to keep her composure, but around him she was just... soft.

Addie smoothed down the front of her dress, hugging Harry and pressing a kiss to his cheek. She expected him to back away, but he stayed pressed to her, hands around her waist.

"You look... beautiful," Harry breathed, lips parted in surprise. "You always do, but you're just... god."

Addie looked down, biting the inside of her cheek to hide her grin as her cheeks heated up. "You're one to talk. You look incredible."

"No one compares to you, Addie."

Addie's heart felt like it would implode from how happy she was. She grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers.

They made their way to the back of their hotel, Harry driving with Addie putting on Google Maps. He placed his hand on her thigh as he drove.

Addie did her best not to burst into giggles and grin like an idiot the whole way there (She failed massively).

They took a while to find parking, and then eventually managed to get to the restaurant. It was like any other fancy restaurant, with couples lounging around and businessmen in suits having discussions.

Shit. Addie suddenly became self-conscious, a sixteen-year-old girl on a date with her... well, he technically wasn't her boyfriend, but she was sixteen and on a date here?

It wasn't exactly like anyone had ever given her a how-to guide on planning a date or the etiquette of taking a guy out.

They sat down, Addie shifting in her seat as she glanced around in the dim lighting.

Harry frowned. "You okay?"

"I made a shitty choice, didn't I?" Addie whispered to him, leaning forward. "I should've picked somewhere else."

"Can I get you anything to drink?" The waitress asked, looking up from her notepad and looking shocked to see them there.

Adelaide Heathers and Harry Styles out on a fancy date... she could only imagine how the word would spread.

The waitress tried her best not to look starstruck and instead act casual, but she kept glancing nervously towards Harry.

"I'll have a water," Addie said. Harry agreed, and the waitress went away. "Fuck. Did I pick right?"

Harry exhaled sharply. "I mean..."

Addie groaned, hiding her face in her hands. "God, I feel so stupid."

This was her first real date, and she was messing things up already.

"Look, how about this, we leave right now and I'll drive us someplace where we can enjoy ourselves?" Harry grasped her hand, running his thumb over her knuckles. He smiled warmly. "What do you say?"

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