Chapter 8

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*• March 2013 •*
- New York City, USA -
~< In Wonderland, We Both Went Mad >~

THERE WAS A PRIDE FLAG. Right there. Hanging outside of someone's apartment, for absolutely no reason, just because it could.

And it gave Addie a rush of affection. She smiled at the sight, taking a quick picture of it before anyone could see.

Harry crashed against her shoulder roughly, almost making her drop her phone. As is, she yelped and the phone slipped from her hands, and fumbled to catch it.

"Jesus, don't scare a girl like that," Addie sighed, pressing a hand to her chest. Harry stared at her, intensely, as if he were trying to pierce her soul. "Haz, love, you okay?"

Harry blinked, gaze finally breaking away from hers. "Yeah. I'm fine."

Addie chuckled, putting her phone back in her pocket. "You did that thing again."

"What thing?"

"The stare you do. That makes you look like a serial killer stalking his victims." When Harry frowned, seemingly bothered by this comparison, Addie rushed to add, "But in a cool way."

Harry's frown disappeared, replaced by an instant laugh. "In a cool way? What's a cool way to stare like a serial killer?" He managed to get the words out in between laughter, as he held on to her shoulders for stability. "What the fuck, Addie?"

Harry kept laughing, and Addie smiled softly, watching as the corners of his eyes scrunched up, and the little wrinkles on his nose as he laughed. She was sure his laugh was a better melody than any song she'd ever written.

Addie wanted to record his laugh on tape, and play it over and over again. She wanted a picture of the moment she fell just a little bit more head-over-heels for him.

Addie felt like there was sunshine in her chest, something warm in her heart, spreading to the tips of her toes and the top of her head.

Harry's smile was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.

When Harry finally managed to calm down, with only small giggles or chuckles here and there, Addie stared at him, opening her mouth, ready to give a witty remark when-

"Hi," A girl breathlessly asked, having just run over from her spot a few feet away on the pavement, "I really don't mean to bother you, but I'm really such a huge fan of your music, and I mean, I've been a fan since debut and I just wondered if I could get a picture with you?"

Harry took a step back, leaving Addie to handle it. "Hi, babe, yeah sure," She said, "Thank you so much for listening to my music it means so much to me, and I'm so glad to meet you. What's your name?"

"I, uh- I'm Lucia."

"Lucia, it's so nice to meet you," Addie said, holding out her hand for her to shake, "My name's Adelaide, you can call me Addie if you'd like."


While Addie took a picture with the fan, Harry stood awkwardly in the background, waiting for them to finish, and then smiled when Addie struck up a little bit of conversation with the girl.

MASTERMIND - H.Sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें