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*• September 2013 •*
- Los Angeles, USA -
~< Cheshire the Cat >~
~< The Story Of How Addie Got Her Cat >~

ADDIE LEFT THE GUYS ALONE FOR ONE HOUR. And that was all it took for them to wreck her house and turn her life into a disaster.

She just wanted to get her groceries done to come back and make a nice dinner for the six of them. That was all.

Instead, she came back to hear shouting and screaming inside the house. She sighed, knowing they'd done something again.

When she walked in, she didn't expect half the things she saw. Zayn was sitting by the sink with his hair filled with mayonnaise which Niall was slathering on, Harry was shouting at Louis to stop, while simultaneously taking all of the things inside the kitchen drawers out and dumping them onto the floor, and Liam had disappeared.

There were shards of a broken plate on the floor, and a trail of crimson leading to Louis, hunched over the sink, where the water seemed to be a dark pink color. 

There was also a mysterious box on the kitchen table. It had holes poked all around it, and was also ripped open.

"What the fuck is going on?" Addie shouted, dropping her groceries on the counter. Everyone froze to turn to her and all began shouting their explanations at once.

Louis shouted, "And then this huge rat-"

"But hold on, because I didn't do it-!" Harry protested to whatever Zayn said.

Niall simply stood back with wide eyes, hands covered in mayonnaise.

And then the fire alarm started beeping frantically, and they all turned to see smoke rising out of Addie's oven.

"I swear to fucking god, if you guys broke my oven-!" She pointed at them, now furious. Her oven was her baby, and if anyone hurt her, Addie would hurt them.

Addie grabbed a towel and pulled the oven open, pulling out a scorched chicken. She used the towel to try and get rid of the smoke, and coughing when she got a lungful of the smoke.

"Fucking hell!" She cursed under her breath, turning the oven off. "Who the hell burned the chicken?"

Everyone looked to Niall.

"Hey, I was focused on Zayn's hair!" Niall protested, raising his hands rapidly in defense, and mayonnaise flew from his hand, splattering onto Addie's recently painted white walls. "Oops."

"Why are you putting mayonnaise on Zayn's hair?"

"Because we found lice in his hair," Niall answered, pointing at a napkin. She took a look at the small black dot on the napkin.

"Niall, that's an ant."

"I'm not risking my hair!" Zayn defended, turning to look at them with mayonnaise still in his hair.

Addie rolled her eyes. "Go take a shower, Zayn. And Niall, you go and wash your hands. Shoo!" She waved them off, sending them towards the bathroom.

Addie took a deep breath."Harry, why'd you make a mess out of my kitchen?"

Harry pursed his lips. "Uh... I kind of needed to find the... the cat."

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