Chapter 3

906 29 140

*• August 2012 •*
- Arizona, USA -
~< The Closet Incident >~

"RUN!" ADDIE SHOUTED, grabbing Zayn's wrist and leading him down a long corridor. The soles of their sneakers squeaked against the freshly-waxed floor, but they kept pushing their feet forward.

Zayn breathed heavily, "Where are we running?"

Addie looked around. She didn't recognize where they were. She slowed down, until coming to a stop in front of closet '13AZ'.

Then footsteps began to echo down the hall. Someone was chasing them. Addie pointed to the closet, and Zayn followed suit. They squeezed in through the door, making sure to slowly close the door and not make any noise.

Right before soundcheck, Addie had decided to switch Louis' shaving cream for whipped cream, which had resulted in a few minor cuts, a very sticky face and a disgruntled Louis.

Footsteps sounded behind the door as Addie and Zayn pressed against the wall, holding their breath.

Addie counted to five before the footsteps moved on, running down the hallway and out of earshot. Addie exhaled in relief, gulping in air after holding her breath for so long.

"Jesus," Addie exclaimed, running a hand through her hair. "That was a close call."

"We have soundcheck, you can't exactly hide from Louis forever," Zayn reminded her, making Addie groan. He twisted the handle, pulling on the door but it didn't budge.

Frowning, Zayn twisted the handle from side to side, and rattled the door, trying to open it.

"C'mon, let me try," Addie insisted, moving Zayn's hands away and forcing him out of the way. She tried to open the door, but it was locked. Again and again she tried, but the handle wouldn't budge. "Fuck, this- stupid... thing!"

Addie let go of the handle, face flushed red with exertion and frustration. She banged her fist against the door.

Screw Louis and the consequences, she did not want to miss soundcheck and have to deal with angry management.

"We're stuck!" Addie shouted. She banged her fist again. "Louis!" She glanced helplessly at Zayn, who joined her in her shouting. "Help! We're locked in!"

After a good ten minutes of shouting and desperately trying to open the door, they gave up.

"I left my phone upstairs," Zayn answered apologetically when Addie asked.

Addie groaned, banging her head against the door. She checked her phone. 2:57 p.m. and more importantly... "My phone is on five percent and I forgot to switch the SIM card. It doesn't have any data."

They sat down, occasionally yelling a little in case anyone was passing by, but it seemed no one was looking for them. Or at least, they were looking in the wrong places.

Addie sat down beside a bucket and a mop, reading the label of a stove cleaner she'd grabbed from the metal shelves stacked beside her.

Zayn hummed as he fiddled with his shoelace. "How's your music going?"

Addie looked up. "Sorry?"

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