Chapter 7: 𝐼𝓃 𝒜𝓌𝑒

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Y/n clung her fingers onto Midoryia's shirt, in complete awe as they flew over the city. His tight hold around her body made her feel safe. Even while hundreds of feet in the air, she knew he wouldn't drop her.

"Are you comfortable?!" His voice slapping against the wind, she nodded her head. She was more than comfortable, he was like a blanket. Arms holding her so close to his chest, she was warm.

Reaching his own apartment, he flew to the patio. Landing hard, Y/n hid her face in his chest while debris flew around them. She wished she could just fly around the city, and instead of taking the stairs land on her very own patio. Gently, Midoryia placed her on the ground. Her eyes widened at the quality of the balcony.

"Woah..." her small gasp made Midoryia snap his head to her. Fearing she may have been hurt, instead, her eyes studied every foot of the balcony. Then looking inside the penthouse, her jaw dropped.

"You okay?" His voice made her slam her jaw shut, biting the inside of her cheek she swallowed a yelp. She knew heroes made money, but this was more than she bargained for. Part of her didn't even want to step inside, what if she broke something? would she get the floors dirty? As she thought, Midoryia walked to the sliding glass door. Opening it, he motioned her to come inside. She hovered outside the door as if deciding whether or not to come inside.

"Okazaki! Please come inside, it's freezing!" He whined, Staring at her red nose and her shaking knees he could visibly see she was cold, instead she stared at the doorway. he knew that look. She had displayed it several times, And to be honest he was prepared to throw her over his shoulder and force her inside to gain some warmth. Her stubbornness was going to make her freeze to death. Her tired eyes stared deeply inside of his home, then moved to him.

"oh...right" Swiftly walking past him, Uneasiness swarmed in his stomach. She hadn't really voiced her discomfort with money, but he had sensed it beneath the surface. The way her shoulders tensed and her jaw locked in place when he'd get the bill at dinner. But watching her hesitate to step foot into his home, he wondered how deep it truly ran.

Shutting the door behind himself, Y/n stared at the boxes suffocating the atmosphere. Scattered all around, it looked as if he had just moved in. Feeling Midoryias stare on the back of her head, she looked over her shoulder she forced a smile. Midoryia felt as if she had just shot him, he loved that sweet smile she had always given and that was not it.

"Did you just move in?" Her voice moved past him, slapping the sliding glass door. Swallowing his worry, he placed a hand behind his neck. Y/n's eyes shot down, watching the light blue shirt rise slightly.

"Uh... 6 months ago. I haven't gotten to unpacking yet. Heh" Swiftly moving her eyes back up to him, she turned her whole body around. Gently crossing her arms, she chewed on her bottom lip. The warm raw sting traveled around her whole body.

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