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The weekend ended quite fast. Wu Company had faced numerous challenges and legal issues while KIM Cord remained at their place, as Wu Company completely immersed itself in the business industry.

"How was your weekend, everyone?" Hanbin shouted as he entered the classroom.

"Your energy is too high, Hanbin-ah. What happened?" Eunwoo asked, still seated in his chair as he high-fived his buddy.

"Well, can't you see? Confidence starts when you're not late," Hanbin answered, fanning himself with his hand, eliciting laughter from the rest of his friends.

"Congratulations, bachelor!" Nayeon said, clapping her hands, which made everyone laugh.

"Annyeong, Pressy. Annyeong, Maknae!" Hanbin greeted the two great-looking individuals who playfully saluted him in return.

"Please be seated, everyone," Jinyoung instructed, getting everyone's attention as they greeted their professor.

"Good morning, Prof. Ji!" was the unified greeting from the 4A advisory, bringing a smile to his face.

"Aren't you being unfair, Prof. Ji?" Hanbin asked, still standing beside Eunwoo's desk.

"Why is that, Mr. Kim?" Jinyoung asked as he entered the room and went to his desk.

"You're our advisory class, but you don't have a subject for us," Hanbin pointed out, prompting nods from the others.

"Be seated, Mr. Kim, or you won't be able to sit the whole day," Jinyoung playfully warned, making Hanbin rush to his seat and causing chuckles among the students.

"Alright, to answer your question, it's because I'm already bored of all your faces, everyone," Jinyoung said in a playful tone, making the students gasp in mock shock.

"Ouchie! Prof. Ji, you're so honest," everyone said and giggled, mirroring Jinyoung, who smiled at them.

"Alright, so how was the first week of this last semester?" He asked, eliciting groans from everyone.

"Alright, you guys don't have to answer that; I already know that everyone is enjoying," he added, earning another round of groans, which made him, Lisa, and JK giggle.

"Quiet down, everyone. Before I leave this room, I want to remind you not to leave our classroom dirty, understood?" He said with a smile, making everyone nod. He was about to stand, but one of the students raised his hand.

"Sir," the student said, capturing Jinyoung's attention.

"Yes, Mr. Yun," he said, allowing the student to speak.

"Prof. Ji, do we really have to clean the room every time we leave? Isn't the school providing janitors to clean the school?" one of his students asked, prompting nods from others, and a smile from the professor.

"Good thing I don't have a subject that's handling you guys, or else the answer to your question would be an assignment for everyone," he said, winking at the student who had asked, which caused chuckles among the students.

"Well, we do have the so-called importance of personal responsibility, respect for shared spaces, and the value of contributing to the community, even when you have the means to delegate tasks to others. I want everyone to learn a lesson and instill a sense of ethical behavior related to being accountable, cooperative, and not relying solely on hired help for one's responsibilities. You guys are graduating soon; I hope you keep that in mind," Jinyoung said, as his students nodded in understanding of the reasons for their work tasks.

INTIMIDATION MELTS AWAY : When the CEO-PROFESSOR falls in love (JenLisa)Where stories live. Discover now