13: [ I LIKE IT ]

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"Have you checked my schedule for this weekend?" I asked my secretary over the phone.

"Yes, CEO Kim. Your meetings have already been scheduled and everything else is settled. Also, I might come by your office later to drop off some papers," she informed, with a yawn in her voice.

"Alright, and please let my architects know that I'll be reviewing their new work," I replied before ending the call. I headed downstairs and went to the kitchen of my parents' house.

"Good morning, sweetheart. You're up early today," my mom greeted me with a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm always an early riser, Mom," I answered, taking a seat in front of her.

"Not usually early enough to beat me down here," my father chuckled as he came downstairs, giving my mom a peck on the lips. "Good morning, honey," he said with a smile.

"Good morning," my mother responded lovingly.

"Alright, enough of the sweetness," I interjected, asking the maid for a cup of coffee.

"Don't be so bitter, sweetheart. You'll find your special someone someday," my father teased, and I rolled my eyes, earning giggles from my parents.

"I heard you went for a check-up yesterday. Are you alright, sweetheart?" Mom asked with concern, causing Dad to look at me.

"Where did you get that information, Mom?" I asked, though I already anticipated that they would likely know about it.

"Director Kang informed us," Dad replied, taking a sip of his coffee while the maid brought me a cup as well.

"It's nothing, Mom. The results were all normal. It wasn't anything serious," I answered honestly. Dr. Bae, who conducted the check-up, assured me that everything was normal. Although, I must admit, I was rather annoyed during the session because she evaded my question about her personal information, insisting it wasn't relevant to my check-up. I ended up glaring at her for most of the appointment.


"What is your relationship with Ms. Manoban?" I asked, studying her intently. However, she met my gaze with raised eyebrows and a hint of amusement, shaking her head slightly.

"I don't believe your question is relevant to your check-up, Ms. Kim," she responded in a serious tone.

"So, you're also Ms. Manoban's personal doctor?" I inquired once again.

"You could say that... but I'm more than just that," she replied with a smirk directed at me. "Well, let's begin so you can receive your results sooner than you might expect."


So she's more than what!? Argh! I hate that doctor.

I glanced at my watch and stood up. "I need to get going, Mom, Dad," I said, ready to leave the table. However, my mom spoke up.

"You haven't touched your breakfast," she pointed out, indicating the food the maids had laid out.

"I don't have an appetite," I replied, glancing at the untouched meal.

"Well, at least finish your coffee," Dad suggested, nodding towards the cup I hadn't touched.

"I don't really like it," I said, pushing my chair back in place.

"But that's the coffee you always drink, sweetheart," Mom reminded me as I headed upstairs.

"Not anymore, Mom," I responded as I entered my room to grab my things.

INTIMIDATION MELTS AWAY : When the CEO-PROFESSOR falls in love (JenLisa)Where stories live. Discover now