"Isn't that funny how you wait until he's down to come swoop in and finally make him yours? Have you been waiting this long?"

Me?! "You know what Jimin? I'm not going to do this with you. We're adults and I get that you're trying to back up your sister and whatnot, but Joon isn't the one that broke up with her out of the blue. Joon isn't the one who broke her heart and left her in pieces. I'm done with this conversation."

Before my true anger can come out, I pivot and walk away quickly. I am so proud of myself for staying calm and collected during that whole confrontation! I admit, I do have a temper and am quick to jump with my words and sometimes I can get physical, but I really remained so calm. Props to me!

I find myself sitting away, where (get this) there is a koi pond surrounded by trees and wild flowers. This truly is a beautiful place and I wonder if Jin and his fiancée even know about this pond here. I pull out my phone and take a few photos of the scenery, and then take one of a tree that with the sun peeking through the branches.

"Why do you keep following me around?" I turn and glare at Namjoon, the new kid, my senior of 3 years. "Don't you have any friends?"

"I'm not following you," he retorts, rolling his eyes. "You don't own this street, kid. You're not the only person that lives over here."

"Whatever," I mumble. I don't know why I have attitude toward him. I think it's because he saw me ditching class and he could turn me in any minute or tell my parents. He's annoying. As I walk, I put my earbuds in to drown out the noise of traffic. I have the newest albums of my favorites downloaded onto my iPod and so it makes walking home from the bus stop a little more bearable.

That is, until, I feel a single droplet of water land on my cheek. What? I look up and I groan. Please tell me it's not going to rain! Is it really?! And on a day where I didn't bring my stupid umbrella or raincoat? Why is life so cliché like this?! And as if that was the universe's cue, the rain starts to fall. I run to a nearby park and hide under the gazebo, hoping it'll stop soon. Namjoon does the same thing.

"I'm not following you," he repeats while he shakes his head to get rid of the water, which by the way splatters all over me. "Sorry," he notes.

I think we've been here for almost ten minutes with no signs of the rain stopping any time soon. Namjoon has sat down beside me now and we've been in this awkward silence since. I mean, I guess if we're going to sit here, we might as well talk.

"So-" I say.

"Look-" he says at the time.

"You go ahead," I tell him.

He smiles and I see two very defined dimples forming. "I was just going to say, can we start over? I feel like ever since I caught you ditching, you've been on the fence about me."

So, he's pretty intuitive. "Alright. Okay."

He sticks his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Kim Namjoon. I'm a senior and I moved here from Ilsan."

Oh, he means like...really start over. I hold my smile and shake his hand. "I'm Min Chae-rin. I'm a freshman."

"A freshman?" He let out a laugh, tossing his head back. "And you're already ditching school? Hm, I don't know."

I pull my hand away and glare. "That was one time!" I hiss to him. "We really wanted to go to the amusement park and well, it was my friend's birthday."

"Alright, your secret is safe with me. You know, I'm older than you. You should talk to me more formally."

I let out a snort. "Yeah, good luck with that."

Choices | Kim Namjoon FF |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें