Chapter Twenty-Three: Soon to be a Crystal Metamorphic Fairy

Start from the beginning

Makenna was totally freaking out. She felt Tracey's aura. It was very weak. Like him, his aura was fading. If Makenna didn't get him to Selene in the next hour or two, by sunset, he would be dead! Makenna did not want him to die. She cared about him. He was her friend. Her fingernails turned black – she was so scared – and she could feel her magic growing in her body. Tracey had saved Makenna too many times! It was time she returned the favor! She had no choice but to fess up.
Makenna clenched her fists, and she asked Mr. Gheesling, Dr. Medford, and Mrs. Edith, "Mr. Gheesling, Dr. Medford, and Mrs. Edith, do you know why he's so different from the other kids in this high school?" They didn't answer. They just stared at her. Makenna's fists clenched tighter, and she added, "It's because he's a fairy! Ha! That's right! Fairy! F-a-i-r-y! And he's suffering from a spell fever!"
"Fairy?!" the three faculty members yelped, and they quickly stepped away from Makenna, "Spell fever?" They stared at Makenna. Then, Mrs. Edith grabbed her arm and started to lug her toward another bed, "You've got to lie down, Makenna, and I'll call your parents! Everything will be okay! I promise!"
"Let go!" Makenna shouted. She ripped her arm free from Mrs. Edith's grasp, "I know you don't believe me, but it's true! He's a fairy! His wings are just hidden in his shirt!"

Mrs. Edith didn't speak. She couldn't. There was just way too much on her mind now. She left Makenna, and she, Dr. Medford, and Mr. Gheesling approached the bed Tracey was on.
He was moaning, and looking up at Mrs. Edith, he complained, "Mrs. Edith, I feel hot."
"I know." Mrs. Edith comfortably said, "Hang on for just a little bit longer though, dear. The paramedics are coming." She took the towel off his forehead, and handing it to Dr. Medford, she asked for him to go soak it again. Dr. Medford obeyed. He left the bed and scurried toward a sink. Mr. Gheesling hovered over Tracey's left side, and he rubbed his burning forehead. He had to admit, even though he just met Tracey that day, he already really liked him. He hated to see him so ill.
Especially since he was only a teenager. "Oh, Mr. Gheesling." Tracey cried. Tears streamed down his cheeks, "I'm dying."
"No, you're not." Mr. Gheesling told him, "You're just sick. You're going to be just fine. I promise."

Soon after he said that, Dr. Medford returned, and Mr. Gheesling took his hand away from Tracey's forehead. Dr. Medford placed the towel over it again, and he exchanged glances with both the nurse and Spanish teacher.
Tracey soon closed his eyes, and moaning again, he pointed at the arm that had been punched and whimpered, "My arm. It hurts."
"Your arm?" asked Mrs. Edith.
"Your arm?" Makenna repeated, "What's wrong with your arm, Trace?" However, Tracey didn't answer. In his mind, all he was thinking about right now was water. He was craving water. He was craving the ocean. The sirens sang for him to follow their voices. This time, the Octopus Man would succeed, right? Wrong! As long as Makenna was with Tracey, he had no chance of getting his hands on him! Tracey would not be taken back to the Bermuda Triangle with him, as long as Makenna was with him.

Mrs. Edith soon approached his right side, his injured side, and she kneeled to it.
Her eyes landed on his bloodstained shirt sleeve, and gasping, she whispered, "Oh, my gosh!" Mr. Gheesling, Makenna, and Dr. Medford leaned in toward Merlin's apprentice. Makenna could feel her magic growing stronger and stronger. Mrs. Edith quickly pulled up Tracey's shirt sleeve, and she flinched when she saw his arm. "Oh," she whimpered, "that looks awful. What on earth happened? Mr. Gheesling, go get the First-Aid kit. That's an order!"
"Yes, ma'am!" Mr. Gheesling worriedly spoke. He saluted and sauntered away from the bed. Tracey's arm did look terrible. The entire upper arm was bruised and swollen.
Tears were now falling down Makenna's own cheeks. "Tracey," she whimpered, "Please, Mrs. Edith, please, I know somebody who can help him! He's a fairy for Pete's sake! And I am too!"

"You?!" Mrs. Edith asked. She and Dr. Medford glanced at her. Mr. Gheesling had also stopped halfway back to the bed, and he was carrying a First-Aid kit. Everybody, except Tracey, since he was barely conscious, glanced at her.
"That's right!" Makenna shouted. She again clenched her fists. Fire burned in her eyes, and she gave Dr. Medford, Mr. Gheesling, and Mrs. Edith the evil death glare. Her necklace pendant started to glow.
The nurse, principal, and teacher noticed this, and at the same time, they asked, "Huh?"
Makenna started to yell at them, "Go ahead! Chuck him into a laboratory! Have the paramedics throw him into one, but wherever he goes, I go! I will never leave him!" Faint, blue sparkles escaped her necklace pendant and started to circle it. Makenna was outlined by sudden blue magic. However, she continued to yell, "Don't you dare have EMS take him away! You hear me?! Let me save him! I'm the Metamorphic Fairy! It's my job! I know I can save him! I believe I can save him!" Believe. That was the word. That was the word that changed fourteen-year-old Makenna Delling forever.

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