Chapter 28

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Nabila hadn't seen Akram in a while. They were married now, and she found him very attractive. Although he didn't even want to breath the same air as her, she felt like she wanted him around her at all times.

"Akram, I made dinner would you like some?" Nabila asked nicely. Akram glared at her. "No." He said curtly before heading upstairs.

Nabila frowned and sat down to eat alone. "He can't treat me this way, just because Hajiya isn't here." Nabila said rolling her eyes. "Yes I can and I will treat you the way I like, you can go and tell whoever you want to I don't care!" Akram said.

Nabila was shocked, he heard her. "God I need to keep my mouth shut sometimes." She says.

"Yes aisha, I do miss him. But I can't have my way, he's married now." Bilkisu replied to Aisha's question.

"Aww, bilkisu I'm so sorry." Chinelo says. Aisha and Chinelo came to visit bilkisu. "Billiey, you'll get over it okay? And I'm sure you'll find someone better." Aisha said.

Bilkisu shook her head "I'm sure there's no one as perfect as my Akram, with hardship comes ease Aisha. He's mine and will always be mine." Bilkisu said with the tiniest smile.

"This you people's love dey strong sha." Chinelo says and they all burst out laughing. "Chinelo you're something else please. Oh by the way how is Joshua?" Bilkisu asked.

Chinelo blushed, bilkisu and Aisha gave each other knowing looks. "He's fine. We're fine." Chinelo said still blushing. "Who's love is stronger now?" Bilkisu asked laughing.

"I'll insult you." Chinelo replied before bilkisu muttered a sorry.



Assalamu Alaykum!
You guys should bare with me. An extremely short chapter I know, I thought I was done with this chapter and I started another one.😭

My bad my bad, just ignore it and scroll up!🌚


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