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"Okay, you asked for it!"

I took off my clothes and jumped into the pool.


"Wow... look, an otter in my water! Duuuun dun, duuuuun dun, dun dun dun dun dun dun..."

"You're so obvious. And I'm still scared from that movie, so stop. I can't even watch that shark show," I said.

We started splashing water on each other.

"I'll just back up and spear you. Beaver revenge!"


I'm laughing. "Yeah, you definitely know about that!"

Chloe lay on her back and I did the same.

"I wish Rachel were here. She would love to be here at night. Wish you two had met each other..."

"We'll definitely meet. With all this going on, I'm starting to think it's all connected," I said. "And I want to find out for Kate's sake. She didn't deserve to die..."

"Your powers changed everything, Max. Especially you. I already knew. You're not so cowardly anymore."

We swam towards the border of the pool.

"You know what I mean. You've become like this force of nature."

"More like natural luck. Come on, my powers failed to save Kate... Maybe I just tripped in time... for what reason?" I asked frustrated.

"You didn't trip when you saved me, Max"

"Thank God. But... what if I fail again? What if? You and Kate will both die..."

"So it's time to start moving forward in time. And we are clearly connected because without me you would never have discovered your powers, right?"

"Of course. You make me feel like I know what I'm doing."

"And you make me feel like I have a reason to stay in Arcadia Bay," Chloe said.

"I hope so."

"Stop being so humble. You're like the smartest, most talented person I've ever known."

"More than Rachel Amber?"

"Dude, I'm not the groupie, okay? And I'm sure you have Blackwell bros around you—like Warren."

I laughed awkwardly. "Good Warren..."

Chloe chuckled. "Good? Ouch. That means "Friendzone"."

"No, he's really cool. It was really cute when he fought Nathan... But I haven't told him about my rewind power..."

"Don't worry. Once you master yourself, you will bring the world to bow."

"As long as you're here with me," I said.

"Don't look so sad. I will never leave you."

We swam away from the edge of the pool.

"Now I'm cold here," I said.

"Because we bark instead of attack each other, otter-versus-shark style... I think I've had my swimming experience for a year, let's jet off."

"Just call it a draw. I'll freeze my ass off when I get out."

We got out of the pool and put our clothes back on.

"It's disgusting, it feels like we just swam in Chlorine Bay," I complained. My body is sticky and smelly.

"You look cute with your hair soaked in chemicals."

"Thanks, you'll know."

Someone opened the door.

We turned to each other.


Chloe ran to the pool entrance through the girls' locker room. I ran to the same place through the boys' locker room. We tried to get out of the pool but were stopped by an approaching guard.

"Make sure you check all the doors!"

That's the voice of David Madsen... Chloe's father and campus custodian. David opened the door and shone his flashlight into the empty room.

"Oh that's right!" I cursed.

Chloe and I ran back to the pool room. Chloe hid between the lockers and the wall in the girls' locker room. I had to hide between the shower stalls.

"Better not try any Halloween pranks after today... I'm serious," said the guard. "Hello? Where are they?"

He kept looking for us and I hid in the dark. Pass one by one the lockers and avoid the flashlight. When he managed to see me, I rewind time and hide further away.

"I heard something here."

I went back to the pool area. Chloe approached me from behind and we hugged each other.

"We're so invisible!"

"Let's go!" Chloe grabbed my hand.

We ran out of the pool building to the parking lot. We tried to reach the hostel but were stopped by a guard heading towards us.

"Wait, turn around, they're coming! We have to find another way out!"

We went down and started walking along the wall.

"This is bullshit. You can't go back to your dorm now, you're a Blackwell fugitive! Just stay at my place tonight."

"You want me to stay at Blackwell's security guard's quarters so I'll be safe? Okay!"

We started running towards Chloe's truck.

"In the car!"

Chloe gets into her truck.


I entered Chloe's truck. A guard chased us when Chloe had already started the engine and stepped on the gas.

"Hahaha! See you later, bastard! Max, you rock! We're so awesome!"






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