My Sister Resigned

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There was a movement just in front of her, and everything within her screamed not to look but she couldn't stop herself. Aurora looked up and met Lucius's light blue eyes and then immediately wished she hadn't. Even though he had done his best to hide it, schooling his features into an impassive mask seconds after she had looked at him. Aurora had still seen the glimmer of pity swimming in his depths before it was gone. 

Her chin wobbled and a lump was in her throat, she wished she had never stayed. She was a disgrace to all purebloods, unworthy of her place within their society. She allowed someone as tainted as Snape to put his hands on her, in her, mark her as his. Spreading his poison through her veins and even her womb, she would never get relief from his hold over her. 

The magnitude of her swirling feelings hit her like a ton of bricks and she stood abruptly. It took everything within her to not fall apart as she said in a strained voice. "I'm feeling a little tired, I think I'll have a nap. Good day, Mr. Malfoy." 

He nodded and smiled lightly at her, "sweet dreams, Ms. Black."  She nodded and then bolted out of the library as fast her legs could carry her. She had expected Snape to be following closely, nipping at her heels like the hounds of hell. However, she caught the beginning rumbling of his deep voice as he snarled at Malfoy, "Stop. She is off limits, and you..." The door shut loudly behind her cutting off the rest of Snape's remark. 

She contemplated returning to make sure he didn't harm Lucius like he had Knott. He didn't deserve that for just talking with her. Aurora had just turned to reenter the library when she heard Lucius laugh loudly, and then Snape answered it with a deep chuckle of his own. She shivered in trepidation, nothing good ever amused Snape. He wasn't wired the same as other people, he only ever laughed at the expense of someone else. 

With the lump in her throat swelling in size, she decided she needed to get out of sight before someone saw her breaking down. Lucius and Snape were clearly not going to fight one another, though she was admittedly curious as to why not. Snape has never needed much to sway him to violence, something she was becoming quite accustomed to. 

Aurora barely made it to the hallway that housed their room before the sobs burst forth from her chest. She swung open the door and slammed it shut behind her. Her back hit the wood of the door loudly, and she slid down until her butt contacted the cool floor.  Her head fell into  her hands as she broke down. The sobs were so heavy she felt as if she was never going to catch a breath. Her chest ached harshly, as if her ribs were caving in and she was imploding. There was a high pitched whining filling her ears and she knew it was herself, the sound was full of sorrow. 

She wanted to say that she would get through this, that the feeling would fade. Aurora shook her head bitterly, it would be a lie. There would be no other life for her. Her fate was sealed the moment Snape had forced himself inside her. He can be ruthless when in pursuit of something he wants. 

Aurora's sobs were slowly calming to a low sniffling, despite the emotional upheaval still raging within her. She was starting to come to terms with the thought that she would never be able to leave Snape. It was foolish to dream of a time when he would be gone because until he dies, she will be his. He has already proven that countless times over, her stubbornness to accept this has only caused her more pain. 

As much as she wanted to forget it ever happened, yesterday morning floated into her mind. Aurora had enjoyed intimacy with him when she had been the one to initiate it. Even though he had slightly ruined it when he flipped their positions. If she could keep a little bit of control during their sexual encounters, then maybe she wouldn't hate the idea of being his wife so much. If she was able to convince herself that she didn't abhor his touches, maybe it would be easier to comply with his wishes. Maybe then she would be able to pretend that he was who she wanted. 

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