He smiled as I learned forward to kiss him. "And you couldn't have said that in the car?"

"I didn't think I have the right too." I said, as the kiss became passionate and hard.
Conrad POV

After Belly told me that I am the better kisser, we had sex right on the kitchen floor.

But not just any sex, it was a oral type sex, after we had that, we decided to go to the beach, while Belly was getting ready, I clean up what we did in the kitchen.

When she came down she look absolutely stunning, she was wearing the same bikini that Taylor got for her sixteen birthday but this one was yellow and it looks good with her tan skin and long blue Jen's and one of my button white shirt  which was unbutton. And sunglasses on her forehead.

"Wow."was the only thing I could say, I still don't think Belly understands that just the sight of her skin does something to me, it leaves me aching for her, wanting to hold her close to me, with her bare skin on top of mine.

"Wow yourself."she said looking at me up and down, only have my swim shorts and the white shirt that was lay on my bed when my aunt Julie and cousin Sky came.

I grab three towels. (The first one is so we can lay down in the sand, the second one is for her in case she wants to get in the ocean, and the third one is for me) and surfboard.

When got there, we set up on the same spot we sat where we both agreed to put their relationship on pause.

We took our covers off, and went into the water, where we played, kiss, and play again.

We then went back to our towel I told that I'm going to surf for a little bit and she said that fine because she wants to tan.

I watch her as she lay out in the sun, god she looks so sexy in that bikini, all the colors in the world is definitely her color, I wonder if the bikini cames in all colors, because I want to give them to her.

I overheard her say that that bikini is her favorite so...

But then I noticed something, her towel wrapped around her leg, I knew exactly what was happening because will... I did that when I had my wipe out and she cleaned it.

Since I know Belly so well I decided not to say anything until I asked this question. I know she didn't need me to rush even through I'm very worried.

I got out of the water and went to her and lay my surfboard on the sand then laid on the towel and I lay there next to her as she looked at me through her sunglasses.

"I was thinking maybe I could give you a surf lesson so that you can be out there with me." I said.

"I would love that very much."she said, I gave her a smile and learn my head forward so that I can kiss her.

When we pulled apart we gave each other a smile, I then pointed out her towel on her leg. "So how did that happen?"

"A sea shell hit by leg when I started to lay down."she said as I noticed the shell on the side of her, it was sharp, really sharp. Which scared the s*** out of me.

I knew why she didn't tell me I was in the water and it is dangerous to go into the ocean with a open wound.

"I know why you didn't tell me, but there is no way in hell I'm going to let my girlfriend say out here with a wounded. Come on." I said to her, helping her up. We put her covers back on very carefully.

"But what our stuff?"she asked, as she picked her all of our stuff.

"I don't a f**k about the stuff." I said as I pick her up bridal style.

The summer we got back together حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن