🦆🌌🟧🟩🟡 cannibal

414 11 130

WARNINGS: swearing, mentions of cannibalism, murder, one non-consensual kiss

AU: apocalypse 😍

PRONOUNS: she/her


I TALK: MANYYY PEOPLE WANTED A QUACKITY APOCALYPSE STORY, like literally just him cause you guys are all in love with how I wrote the (c!) cannibal. To make this easier for me, I'm writing it as if they never met, so it's still an apocalypse AU and it's still the same Quackity, they just haven't met yet 🤭

 To make this easier for me, I'm writing it as if they never met, so it's still an apocalypse AU and it's still the same Quackity, they just haven't met yet 🤭

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         I hesitantly take a step over the broken glass shards on the floor, but despite my attempts to avoid all of it, I end up crunching a few pieces beneath my boot. I look around the abandoned store, my eyes scan around for the canned food aisle, seeing a hanging sign above one aisle telling me where the cans were.

I slowly move around the store, being careful because just before I found this place I was being chased by a hoard of zombies. I accidentally step on a bag of stale bread and it loudly crunches, I grimace and freeze for a moment. The world around me felt silent as I waited to make sure no zombies would coming rushing over at the sound (the noise sounded very loud to me).

After a few moments, I continue walking. I peak around the corner and see some canned foods still intact and on the shelves, I silently rush over and take my bag off my back, crouching down and grabbing all the cans I could carry. The clinging noise of cans hitting each other was the only noise I was focusing on, so when someone grabbed my wrist and pushed my back against the now half-empty shelf, I was taken aback because I didn't hear their footsteps.

"Ooh" the man coos. I immediately try to break away from his grip, the shelves I was being pressed against hurt my spine and the way I was sitting wasn't comfortable either. "I caught a survivor," He leans his face closer to mine, his breath smells like how the zombies look. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

Out of nervousness, I tried to scoot back, it slowly registered in my brain that I was trapped against a shelf and a gross smelling man. I mean, he already seems like a creep and a weirdo, but it'd be nice to have someone else to survive with. "Y/N" I tell him, he let's go of my wrist, for a second I was confused, but maybe he only grabbed me because he thought I was a threat.

"How pretty.." He grins, he stands and offers me a hand. I grab his hand and he pulls me up, pressing his chest against mine. "My friends call me Quackity.." He introduces himself. I nod and he let's go of my hand again, he steps back. "Do you have anyone to get home to?"

I look down at my open bag, glancing at Quackity to see him wiping his sleeve across his lower lip. "No, I don't. I lost my friends at the beginning of the apocalypse.."

He gets close to me again, it was obvious he didn't care for boundaries. He puffs up his chest and makes himself stand taller than me, tall enough so he could just look down on me. "Then how about you come with me? Me and my friend live not that far from here, I can drive us there.." He offers, since his face was closer than it ever had been (can't believe I'm saying that for someone I just met about two minutes ago) I finally took note of his facial features. Brown eyes, a big scar down his left eye (his side), he was tall but definitely not over six foot, he had long black hair, some of it covered by a beanie, and finally he had a few freckles/moles. His face was very memorable.

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