I saw the tears well up and a high pitched, heart wrenching whine followed.
"Hey bambi it's alright, oh- come here"
I held out my arms and Jamie whimpered.

"Andi... I-"
Their voice broke and they started sobbing again. They took a step forward and i brought them the rest of the way, hugging them tight
"I can hear everything, everything! It's so loud! Make it stop ada...please"

A tear slipped down my cheek, i took a steadying breath.
"I'm gonna do everything i can honey, you're going to be alright"

From that point it all blurred together. I dont know how i convinced Jam to wear a diaper. Their pullup was soaked and while jamie wanted nothing to come near their tail, i wasn't allowing them to go without the protection. Thankfully the diaper sat low enough it didn't cause any issue.

And so i brought all the comfort items into a double fort and settled us in. Jamie's blanket, june, chase, even jam's fabourite star book. But they only got frustrated when they couldn't focus on me reading, so it was put back outside.

I offered anything i could think of to soothe them, but Jamie wasn't receptive. They didn't want any food or water, not even hot chocolate. All they wanted was to bury their head in my side and cry.

I had initially hoped that Jamie's instincts would take the lead whenever it came to werewolf things, but the little pup didn't seem to have any idea what was going on. And I couldn't let them suffer like this any longer.

I stroked some stray hairs out of their face and they looked up at me.
"Jam I'm going to give the doctor a call"
Jamie's lip began to wobble and I cursed myself, thinking I might've just set off another meltdown.

But i thought wrong as Jamie sniffled and gripped my leg
"N-no leave, no go"
"Oh no bambi, I'm just going to get my phone, call him and we can sort this out"

Jam whimpered
"No leave andi, stay here. Bad stuff out there, not safe"
"Jam im only going into the hallway, we're not leaving the house. I wouldnt expect you to do thay right now. But you should know you'd be completely safe if we did hun, cause I'm here for you-"

Jamie whimpered again and hugged around my waist. I gave them a careful hug back, realising now wasn't the time to digress.
"You're safe bambi, and I have to call the doctor to help you feel better"
Jamie nodded into my side, snivelling.
"I know... be quick"

I carefully exited the tent, replacing myself with chase. Who jamie latched onto with a small whine. I whispered
"I'll be right back jam, only in the other room for a few minutes"

I closed the tent door over on the quietly crying jam and got to my feet. I quickly left the nursery, heading for the hallway table downstairs, where I'd thrown our stuff earlier.

I reached my phone and called dr Eggleston, anxiously pacing as the phone rang a couple of times. Till he finally picked up.
"Hello? Andrew what's going on?"
"Hi! Hello Perry, I'm so sorry but I'm just going to get to the point. Jamie's shifted, well half shifted, just the ears and tail.

I rambled.
"And I can't calm them down. They won't stop crying, and they can't change back!"

The doctor stopped me, allowing me to catch my breath
"Oh god the poor thing. I hadn't expected this for at least a few months. Andrew I need you to tell me the context of this shift, possible triggers-
I heard him grabbing something.
"But I also understand you don't want to leave them long, so don't hold back on the speed. I can take notes"

I recounted the events since Jamie's meltdown in the park. With perry occasionally asking for more details on Jamie's recent headaches, their behaviour after getting home, their reception to my coddling. Things like that.

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Where stories live. Discover now