Genesis Arc - Ch. One: Childish Charms

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However, the unmistakable glint of arrogance danced in their eyes. They moved with an air of entitlement, their shoulders broad, and their steps synchronized. Their world had changed overnight, and the heady feeling of authority had quickly gone to their heads.

Noticing the solitary figure of Y/N, a smirk spread across the face of the one who appeared to be their leader, a burly young man with a scar running down his cheek. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he drawled, his voice dripping with mockery.

Y/N paused, taking a deep breath, trying to maintain a neutral expression. He had heard tales of such encounters, where the city's youth, fueled by their newfound positions, often tried asserting dominance over the common folk.

The leader's hand shot out, fingers closing around the top of Y/N's bag. "Whatcha got there, boy?" he taunted, giving the bag a slight tug.

Y/N's grip tightened. "It's just some food and medicine," he replied, attempting to sidestep the group and continue on his way.

But the cadet wasn't done. Blocking Y/N's path, he sneered, "Hand it over. Consider it a tribute to the Cloud Knights."

Memories flooded Y/N's mind – the warmth of his home, dinners under the soft glow of lanterns, his mother's laughter, and the many times she had told him tales of courage and valor. Drawing strength from these memories, Y/N met the cadet's gaze squarely. "Th-these are for my mom... and me," he stammered, his voice quivering but firm.

A hush fell over the group. The moment stretched on, thick with tension, before being shattered by a boisterous laugh from one of the cadets. "Look boys, he's buying gifts for his mommy!"

Another joined in, "Maybe we should help him pick some flowers too!"

The leader, enjoying the spectacle, yanked the bag from Y/N's hands with a swift motion. As Y/N lunged forward to retrieve it, he was met with a forceful push, sending him sprawling to the ground. The contents of the bag scattered, with fruits rolling and a bottle of medicine shattering.

Snickering, the cadets retreated, leaving Y/N amidst a symphony of their jeers and the murmurs of sympathetic onlookers. Pushing himself up, dusting off his clothes, Y/N's eyes shimmered with a mix of anger and determination. His clenched fist bore testament to a silent vow – he wouldn't be bullied again.

The golden hues of the setting sun cast long shadows as Y/N approached his modest home. After entering the house, he was enveloped in the comforting embrace of his mother, her vulpine ears twitching with concern. Pulling away slightly, her eyes widened at the sight of her son's bruises. She gently cradled his face, her voice quivering, "Are you alright, my dear?"

Y/N, always trying to be the strong one, hesitated momentarily. His silence spoke volumes, and soon enough, tears brimmed in his eyes. Nestling him close, his mother whispered reassurances, "One day, you will stand tall, and no one will dare cast a shadow upon you."

"But that sounds like... a pipe dream," Y/N whispered back, his voice barely audible.

His mother tilted his chin up, locking eyes with him, a fire of determination burning in her gaze. "Dreams remain dreams only when left unchased. Turn yours into reality; work for it, fight for it."

Y/N nodded, not entirely convinced, but warmed by his mother's words. Recognizing the need to lift her son's spirits, she beamed, "How about dinner outside tonight?"

His face lit up, "If it's alright with you, mom."

Her radiant smile, one that could captivate hearts, shone even brighter. "Then get ready, my little warrior. Adventure awaits us."

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