flashback 🫂

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flashbacks 🫂

"You need a ride?" Max slowed his bike down and pulled up next to a stumbling girl at the side of the road.

"What I need is for you to leave me alone." I muttered angrily at him, why now was he trying to get my attention? What had I done?

"Can't do that. Danny would lose it if he knew I left you out here on your own. You know how he gets." Max smoothly steered the heavy bike to match my speed. This boy and his vehicles honestly.

We both had ended up at the same summer party. He had kept a careful eye on me all night, partly because he felt it was his duty to watch his best friends little sister. But also simply because he couldn't take his eyes off of the girl he once teased. He wasn't subtle either.

"I don't really care, not my problem," I put more force in my voice now "Now please leave me alone."

"Fine...suit yourself." Max shrugged but kept the bike at the same pace still, matching my lack of speed.

I ignored his childish actions and kept my pace steady, head down, arms crossed and shoulders tensed. I tried not to stumble as I continued to walk without a real plan as to where I was going. After a few minutes of silence passed and the rumbling from Max's bike had stopped I turned to face him, "Are you serious?" I raised my brows at him.

He shrugged, smiling a little at my attitude "If you're not gonna hop on and let me take you home we can just walk it out together. I mean you'll walk it out, obviously, I'm not doing much walking here."

My eyes rolled again, "you're so annoying. you know that right? And I'm not going home either."

"So you've told me before. Where are you going then?" He asked seemingly amused. Annoyingly Ellie was his favourite pastime since they were kids. It seemed like he went out of his way to do this all the time.

"Why do you care so much hm?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes at the concept as if it was obvious, "Because wherever you go I have to go Ells. That's how it works."

The night was quickly coming to an end, the hues of orange and pink began to creep over the horizon "Anywhere. Anywhere but home. I really don't want to go home." I finally admitted, I was tired and upset.

"hop on then." Max nodded his head, stopping the bike for me to climb on. "Be careful" he turned around slightly, making sure that I got on properly. He grabbed the helmet off the steering wheel and handed it to me.

It was funny leaning onto him like that, my hands awkwardly wrapped around his waist and my chin resting on his shoulder as I held him close. It was weirdly intimate. But what made me even more uncomfortable was that I really didn't mind it. In fact, I actually quite liked being this close to him.

Max put some extra gas to it, driving up some winding roads covered by thick forest on each side until we reached the top. He stopped the bike, got off and offered me a hand. I pulled off the helmet to reveal the mane of messy hair underneath, forcing a laugh from Max.

"What is this place?" I whispered as I walked closer to the edge of what appeared to be a large hill railed off my some scattered cement blocks.

Max hung my helmet on the back of the bike and leaned against it, "I don't really know what it's called, we used to come up here all the time in high school. You can see half the estate from up here."

"So what you're trying to say is this is where you bring the bimbos? I imagined it different but now I can totally see it." I spat somewhat jokingly but he couldn't really tell for sure.

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