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We were both quiet trying to regain our normal patterns of breathing. The silence was then broken by my giggling, "Don't look so pleased with yourself." He lifted his head to find me grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh I'm very pleased." I flashed an ever larger smile, leaving soft kisses across his chest.

Max's phone was buzzing non-stop. After the fifth time of someone obviously calling, he decided to reach down the side of the bed and pull it out of his pants pocket.

"It's Daniel" He flashed the screen to Ells.

I buried my head into the pillow. The few hours they had spent away from everybody had seemed like a dream, protected in their little bubble far away from everything. A place where reality didn't exist. But the phone call was a miserable reminder that there was an entire reality of responsibilities and owed explanations that awaited them on the other side of the lake.

"Hey Daniel" Max's awful attempt at sounding casual made me laugh quietly into my hand.

"Where the hell are you guys?! Everyone has been worried sick, El isn't answering her phone" I could hear Danny's voice coming through the phone.

"Uhm I think her phone is dead" he said.

"So she's with you?" Danny urged.

"No we just talked on our way back from the lake and she said she needed to clear her head so she was gonna go for a drive." Max smartly improvised.

I raised my eyebrows, impressed at the lie and how confident it sounded.

"Alright..well I'm getting worried. Did she say where she was going?" Daniel kept pushing.

"No, but I told her dinner was at 7. So she should be back by then. I'll be over in a bit, if she's not there by then I'll help you look. I'm sure she's fine" Max sounded reassuring.

"Okay...yeah, you're probably right. I'll see you soon, Max " Daniel sounded calmer.

"See ya in a bit" Max hung up the phone and turned to look at me, I was sitting up and hugging one of his pillows.

Max threw his phone off the bed, and pulled at my ankle, straightening me out on the bed as he crawled on top of me, pinning me down with his entire body weight.

"get off!" I laughed, trying to wiggle free.

"Make me" he wrapped his arms underneath me, holding me in place as he pressed kisses to my face, making me unable to do anything but turn my head from side to side trying to escape. Laughing hysterically as the stubble on his face tickled my sensitive skin.

"I don't wanna go back" I whispered, letting him stroke my face.

"I'll turn off my phone. We'll get in the car and just go." He managed in between kisses to her soft lips. His willingness to follow through with a plan like this was still fully sincere, as much as it had been years ago.

"Where would we go?" I giggled.

"Anywhere you want" he rolled us both over, placing his arm under my head as support. I scooted closer and pressed my face into the space between his chest and chin, brushing my lips against the most sensitive part of his neck as I whispered, making him feel a slight twitch between his legs.

"I wish we could just stay in this bed forever" I closed my eyes, letting the beating of his heart soothe me as I felt a strong sensation to drift off to sleep.

Max used his fingertips to trace circles on my back, watching as I grew smaller in his embrace. Those words leaving her mouth did leave him with a slight sting. He would let her stay in this bed forever in a heartbeat. In fact, that is all he had ever wanted. But he had prepared himself this time. She wasn't going to stay, she had left once already; and she would leave again.

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