twenty one

551 11 3

Sleeping in the hotel in the Verstappen Estate came with its perks. Firstly, it wasn't even a hotel. It had undergone a series of sophisticated renovations, making it a man cave of the highest degree. However, there were no windows. Which meant there was no sunlight. Which meant, you could sleep until noon without even realizing it.

So while the girls had gotten yet another early start of their day, trying to make the most out of the weekend, the guys were still snoring away when the clock hit 12.30 PM.

Charles stretched with a loud groan. "What the hell, man. Everybody wake up!" He complained loudly. He hit the lights, causing everyone to twist and groan, shielding their eyes from the painful brightness.

"We slept half the day away. Get up!" He yelled. They slowly started to collect themselves. Daniel called Heidi first thing, checking in on her and making sure she was having a good time.

"They alright?" Max casually asked after he hung up the phone.

"Yeah fine, fine." Daniel answered somewhat curios as to why Max would ask or even care, he had nothing to do with any of them.

"Let's get the ball rolling" Lando finally jumped up, lines from the wrinkled sheet covering his face.

They decided to head out on the boat and make the most of it before the lake froze over and the water in the lake of the Verstappen Estate was so clear you could see straight to the bottom.

"Max, do you like..take care of the lake? It looks amazing" Lando marveled at the clear water, it was crazy how immaculate it was for someone jetting over the world for races every week.

"Yes and no. I make sure someone comes out here and checks the water every now and then. Other than that, just gotta let nature do its own thing. Keep fishing and boating to a minimum. The ecosystem knows what it's doing. I just do my best to keep it clean." He explained.

Lando nodded and gazed out to the water, "I think I wanna lake someday.."

"Well you can use this whenever you want." Max laughed.

Max was busy debating the placement of the cooler with Charles, when he heard Daniel and Lando hollering, jumping up and down, looking as if they were ripping Pierre apart.

"What's going on?" Charles exclaimed.

"Tell them! Tell them! Tell them!" Daniel grabbed Pierre by the shoulders from behind, jumping up and down as he tugged him back and forth.

"I'm-I'm gonna ask Kika to marry me" He let out shyly.

"Oh my god mate! Congratulations!" Charles moved towards him, arms out and clasped him in a huge hug. They were best friends after all. Max followed behind quickly giving him a large hug, "That's awesome! She's definitely your soulmate." He looked to see Pierre's smile wide.

"Yeah.. she really is." Pierre agreed.


Heidi was on the phone with Daniel in the other room, as she had been for the past 30 minutes, filling him in on everything they had been doing so far. I knocked softly on the door and peeked my head through.

She signalled for me to come into the room, and I ran over and jumped onto the bed, poking my head into frame, "Hey El" Daniel sounded somewhat annoyed

"Hey Danny, you guys havin fun?" I smiled and waved as if he couldn't see me

"Yeah, I trust you are taking care of my fiancé." He teased somewhat amused, I hated to admit that their relationship was actually really cute.

"Uhm, you mean taking care of my sister-in-law? Absolutely. I might just keep her here in the city. She likes it here as much as I do, you know" My eyes wandered around for anybody else in the frame.

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