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"Yes! Yes! I love that idea!" Kika beamed at the rest of us, "We can get a room for the night that way we don't have to stress about getting home and the longgg drive."

The afternoon was cold, I tried to keep focus in the conversations going on around me but all I could think about was the hot water in Max's shower and how much I wanted to be in the cabin again.

"Okay, that settles it then. We'll get a hotel!"
Heidi smiled widely.

We'd been in desperate need of a girls night, everyone was busy with their fellas and well they assume that nothing further has gone on between Max and I. Anyway, the girls night had escalated from a simple movie night, to a camping trip (which no one seemed to be a fan of so it was quickly off the list), to a night on the town, and then finally, to a night in the city.

New York City

"My wallet is gonna feel this one. isn't it"
Daniel teased jokingly as he put his arm around his wife-to-be, letting her jokingly shove him as she embarrassedly let out a
"oh stop it, honey".

Max shot a quick glance across the table, catching my not so excited face and smiled to himself, "What are you guys gonna get up to?" Hannah asked, directing the question more at Lando than anybody. I really need to ask her what's going on there, I made a little mental note for myself.

"Sorry, we can't discuss our man activities at a table with ladies. It is simply in poor taste" Pierre teased, earning a chuckle and slight eye roll from Kika.

Max and I caught eyes for a split second, both being able to exchange the exact meaning of a single look, without saying a word. As we so often did.

I would rather spend my time with you.

I had spent almost every night at his house since we had our lustful incident a couple of weeks ago. For the most part, my mother was driving herself furious, the girls were in full support (with a slight exception of Hannah who was worried about how things would unfold), and Danny seemed completely oblivious.

Max had a good excuse for spending most nights at his own house, it was right across the lake and every now and then he had important business to tend to. The entire summer couldn't be all play and no work. He was a busy adult after all. And as far as I knew, Daniel wasn't concerned with what I did during my free time.

But there was a painful and ripping ache forming in my heart at the thought of spending a weekend away, leaving him here once again. I can't crawl into his bed when I'm gone. I can't feel like a teenager again.


The days flew by rather quickly and before I
knew it, it was time to head out to the city. I had managed to talk dad into letting me take the Audi, which made the trip a lot faster than expected. Considering my brother is in F1 you would think I was a better driver, but god damn I just can't do it well.

I've had more speeding tickets than I'd like to admit.

As soon as we arrived at the hotel, the girls all picked their beds and immediately headed for the foyer where there was a huge ice bucket holding two bottles of champagne. My brother knows how to splash the cash.

"Daniel really went all out on this room huh?" Hannah looked around in awe.

"Nothing but the best for his bride" Alex winked at Heidi, who giggled in return. They toasted for an unforgettable girls trip, and got right to making the city unsafe for the weekend.

enthralling (max verstappen)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant