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Max watched intently as I walked around the kitchen, pouring up the coffee, the creamer, struggling to find the drawer that held the spoons. One of his shirts covered my body, and every time I reached above my head to grab something it slid up, revealing a teasing sliver of my ass.

The sun shining in through the large windows of the house had heated up the wooden floors, feeling warm against their bare feet as they got breakfast ready. There was a faint melody coming from the vinyl player. Max tried to take it all in, how her hair was swaying as she moved, the way she would sway her hips to the music as she twirled around his kitchen.

He wished for it to never end, to spend the rest of his days here, watching her do this every morning. But he knew this tugging feeling in his chest, he had felt it before; only when looking at her. The strange feeling of missing someone who was right there.

"Sugar?" I turned around, smiling at him.

"Sure" He smiled back, not really caring for the sugar but wanting to keep her there, in view, blissful, making his coffee.

I slid the cup in front of him and put down mine right next to it, when I pulled out the chair next to him, Max reached out and pulled me into his lap instead. Giggling, I complied, throwing my legs over him and sipping my coffee.

Max pressed his tired face against my arm, sliding his hand up and down my bare legs, "what do you wanna do today?" Max looked up at me, stroking my back softly, not being able to resist touching.

"I don't know" I stretched, throwing my arms around his neck, looking at him with so much sparkle in my eyes. "I just. wanna be with you" I pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"I have an idea" He kissed me back.

As soon as we finished eating, we got dressed, and packed a small bag. Max filled it with some snacks, some water and then reached into the drawer beneath the vinyl shelf, packing something quickly into the bag before I could see.

"what's that?" I asked cheerfully, skipping down the steps. I was wearing my clothes from last night, my hair tied up in a low bun with the framing layers of her hair falling down around my face. Messy. Just the way he liked me.

"Just some things we might need. You look beautiful" he reached out for me and I walked right into his embrace. Kissing him as he pressed me tightly against his body.

"Let's go" I giggled as I broke away.
"Where are we even going?" I turned around as we headed out the front door.

"I told you, it's a surprise!" Max repeated for the fourth time since they had started getting ready. I insisted on continuing to ask him, just in case he slipped up and accidentally told me.

Max started up the bike and handed me a helmet. He put his own helmet on, waited for me to hop on and then took off. It's so funny to me that a professional driver spends this much time on his damn bike.

My arms were wrapped tightly around his body, my head balancing on his shoulder as he slowly took the turn out of the driveway down to the Estate. The wind hit me, causing my body to run cold. But she didn't care. All that mattered to me was that I was pressed against his warm body and trying to focus my eyes on every tree that slid by our view.


"What is this place?" I pulled my helmet off as I stepped down from the bike, looking around in awe. It was an open flat landscape. Filled with tall grass, and pools of water.

enthralling (max verstappen)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ