flashback 🫂

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flashback 🫂

"Ells.." Max managed between the crashes of their lips. The entire car was filled with steam from our laboured breathing and desperate kissing as the cool summer air blurred the windows.

"Yes.." I spoke softly my lips brushing against his gently.

He leaned his head back, searching my face as his hands were tightly gripped on my hips "You gotta slow down love." he smiled at me.

Max found it impossible to stay away from her. And he was happy to realise the feelings were mutual. But besides the hours spent making out in his car to some shitty radio station, they actually had fun together.
He almost felt a bit bad for blowing Danny off so many times in the past couple of weeks to spend time with Ellie instead.

I had him doing things he would have never dreamt of doing for any girl. Picnics, road trips, spending hours in random fields along highways taking pictures, swimming in the cold lake at dawn, it was ridiculous.

What was even more ridiculous was the fact that he enjoyed every single second of it. Of course, he hadn't breathed a word of this to Danny. Knowing well enough that he would most likely kill him if he found out he was sneaking around with his little sister.

"Or what?" I teased, trying to lean in for another kiss as my hands ran down his chest.

"or...I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble" He whispered, cupping my face and gently sliding his thumb across my bottom lip.

She smiled widely at him. God those dimples really did stir something inside of his core.

"Okay" she playfully kissed his finger as it was still brushing against her lip, slowly opening her mouth to suck on it lightly. Max pulled it away immediately, feeling how he grew harder just at the slight gesture of having anything but his tongue inside of her mouth.

"Fuck. Stop it!" He laughed, squeezing her cheeks together and making her wear that adorable expression. "You drive me fucking crazy, you know that?" he smiled as he placed a quick peck on her lips.

I gave him that mischievous smile as I slid off his lap and got into my own seat. I stretched my legs out and put them on his lap as I leaned my back against the passenger door. Watching him intently as he reached for his pack of cigarettes and started to roll down the window.

"What did you guys plan on doing tonight?"
I asked him.

"I think Charles is coming down here for a couple of days. Not sure what they wanna get up to tonight. How about you?" He stroked my leg as he blew smoke out of the window.

"Nothing... I'm probably just gonna watch a movie in my room or something. Hannah is busy and wasn't feeling so well." I shrugged my shoulders. "Can I have a hit?" I nodded towards the cigarette in his hand.

"They're bad for you" Max teased.

"So are you" I teased back.

"Really? Is that what you think?" He raised an eyebrow, scanning her serious expression as it broke into that gorgeous smile. He tapped off the ash before passing the cigarette, watching her take a drag and blowing it upward, followed by a little cough.

"Gross" I handed it back to him.

"I know," He smiled.

"Are you gonna go out tonight?" I asked, this time more serious.

"I'm not sure. Why?" He watched my demeanor change slightly.

"Just wondering" I started to fidget with my bracelet.

"Would you not like it if I went out?" He pressed, trying to understand where the sudden and specific question was coming from.

"No it's not that.. it's stupid. Never mind. It's stupid. I don't even care like that.. you can do what you want. Obviously." I rolled my eyes.

Max could tell that she had gotten herself upset just by thinking about whatever it was that she was struggling to say out loud.

"No, I wanna know" He flicked the cigarette out of the window and turned to give me his full attention.

"I just know you would go to Rosie's , because let's face it, that's the only place around here."I looked at him like he was supposed to know what that meant "and?" He narrowed his eyes, trying to make sense of it.

"And? and the bartender has a thing for you.
Everyone knows it. It's not like she's discreet about it, she's always staring you down and she's just...very determined, I hear." I sounded like I was caught between embarrassment and sickly confidence. Max couldn't quite make out the meaning of my tone.

"So?" He responded simply, shrugging his shoulders.

"Nothing. I told you it was stupid." I crossed my arms and looked away.

"Hey...Ells..?" He leaned closer, letting his hand slide further up my leg.

"What?" I snapped back.

"..Are you. jealous?" He whispered, looking shocked and pleased at the same time.

"Shut up, I am not!" I kicked him.

Max started to laugh, holding my legs in place so I couldn't get a good kick in. "Oh wow, you are! You're so jealous you're literally turning red! Oh, I'm gonna hold this against you for the rest of your life!" He continued teasing me, finally forcing a laugh out of me.

He reached over for my arms and pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arm around me.
He pressed my head against his chest, pretending that I did it reluctantly, but I was actually starving for his touch, his warmth, all of it, all the time.

"Don't worry about the bartender." He whispered, pressing a kiss to my head.

"I'm not worried." I answered now grumpy

How could he even begin to admit that he was enjoying every moment of her inconveniencing him? That he in fact, looked forward to it. That he wanted to have to wait for her, hold her things while she was taking a photo. He liked having to cancel his plans so he could make new ones with her.

Hell, he even canceled plans just in case she might call. He adored every time he had to pick the red bell peppers of the pizza because he liked them and she didn't. He wanted to tell her. That he was completely and utterly enthralled with her, that every waking moment was spent thinking about her and when he would see her next, even if they were together. That he was terrified because he had never felt like this before, about anyone. That he couldn't care less about any one else being interested in him.

"Sure, okay" Is what he was able to manage instead, covering up his own nervousness with humor. He placed his hand under my chin, gently lifting it so that our eyes could meet, "I don't care how much she's looking at me." he whispered.

Because I'm only looking at you, he thought to himself. But instead, he just pressed a soft kiss to Ellie's forehead.

enthralling (max verstappen)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن