twenty six

533 9 0

Despite their promise to each other to leave Louisiana early, we both kept hitting the snooze button. Too engulfed in the privacy they had in my tiny apartment on the top floor, to find anything remotely tempting about heading back.

When we finally hit the road, it was around noon and the sun was high in the sky. We decided not to rush. We made multiple stops along the way, mostly because I tapped Max on the shoulder and made him pull over so that I could snap some pictures. And then also stops for any type of cold food or drink, which included lots of ice cream and a couple slushies. The sky was cold and I felt calmer knowing that the celebrations were going to be taking the attention away from what I was dreading.

I had come clean to Daniel over the phone, something I hadn't planned on doing. When we finally, emphasis on finally arrived and parked in the driveway of my family house, the day had started and taken off for most of the guests.

We were met with my parents and aunt Linda immediately on stepping inside, I figured the first blow being the worst would make me feel some sort of gratitude at the end of the day.

"Hey there!" My dad beamed over at the two of us, followed by a more subtle "Hello" from my mother, and a wide smile from aunt Linda. Who knew where rob was? I hadn't seen that dude since he came with us

Max shot a quick look at me, searching for any expression of needed support, "The boys are out back, I believe. All except for Pierre" My mother directed at Max as she sipped her iced tea slowly.

"Right! I'll head out then..." His voice trailed off nervously, he reached over to stroke me on the arm before he left me to it, but to his surprise I grabbed him hard by the hand and placed a kiss on his lips. Bold.

"Mr. Mrs. Ricciardo . Ms. Ricciardo-" Max saved himself the embarrassment and decided to just give a quick nod before exiting the room quickly.

"How was Louisiana oh and New York!" Linda asked excitedly

"It was great," I responded, walking towards the kitchen table and reaching out to grab one of the perfectly polished apples that were part of the centerpiece.

"Seen the girls around?" She looked over at her dad, who still wore a look of confusion, "Kika is with Pierre, they took the boat out. Hannah and Heidi are at the shop, I believe" Linda provided the answer like it was the morning report

"Alright, thanks. See you guys later" I placed a quick kiss on my dads cheek before heading out the back. As soon as I walked out all the heads turned, and I realized they must have either been talking about me or hoping I would save a conversation going in the wrong direction

"Little Ricciardo!" Yuki greeted me, waving frantically. "We missed ya!" He smiled widely at her.

"Of course you did" I squinted from the bright moon as I made my way down the steps and walked over to them. Everyone was here today, the whole twenty of the guys. Max was standing with his hands in his pockets, his gaze wandering between lane and the ground.

"How was Louisiana?" Danny asked casually.

"Amazing. Much needed." I responded just as casually. "Got all my business out of the way before your big day. Wanna make sure we're all hands on deck for preparations"

"Great. Thanks" Daniel refrained from looking at me, his gaze on the lads he was talking to

The rest of the evening flowed on pretty normally. The guys all seemed to get back to it fine, with the minor awkward pauses of silence and lack of eye contact between Max and Daniel. I decided to ignore any remarks made by mother, and spent my night hanging out with Esteban, Carlos, George and Lewis, talking about my little getaway with Max too the girls when they got back and making bets on whether Pierre was working up the nerve to propose to Kika on that never-ending boat ride they were on.

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