flashback 🫂

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flashbacks 🫂

I walked out onto the front porch of the house, it was taking more than I care to admit to not run at my brother and hug him to death right then and there. Since leaving for college I hardly saw him anymore and a world without Danny was a sad one.

But I kept my cool.

"Hey Danny" I smiled wide, hugging him a little extra tight. He had been off to college for the last two years, and hadn't been back home to visit in about a year.

Dad had managed to talk him into coming down for the summer. The reasoning being to spend some time with the entire family as I had finally and surprisingly graduated high school and everyone was slowly making their way into adulthood; this might be the last summer everyone can be gathered again for a while.

Though I doubt it.

"Hey Ellie!" Daniel hugged me back, slightly taken aback by how much his sister had changed since he saw her last. "Good job pretending you didn't miss me" He winked at
her but then jokingly scruffed my hair around like I was four years old and a dog.

I punched him playfully in the arm "who else am I gonna complain about mom to? Dad blocks it out now." I laughed to him, his smile broadening.

"Hey Ellie" the voice broke my focus on Max, peering out from behind the car. I turned around to look at him.

I sneered "Hiya Max."

"Don't sound so displeased," Daniel laughed.
"You thought I was gonna be stuck here with just you, mom and dad all summer?"

I rolled my eyes at my brother, of course not. He was home from college because of the track of which he spent most of his days at, my brothers dedicated his life to racing and is fighting for his place in formula one. Much like Max hence why they get on so well I think. Mom forced him to get higher education before hand just in case but I think it's because she doubts his ability.

Which is ridiculous, might I add.

Max found himself staring at his best friend's sister a little too long. The second she came through the front door she looked like she was glowing. She looked ethereal to him wearing that white dress that showed off her toned, long legs. The soft fabric tugged against her chest, revealing the shape of each breast as she skipped down the stairs. But what seemed to catch his eye the most was that ridiculously heart warming smile and the two dimples digging into her cheeks.

"Are you staying with us?"I looked over at Max. He found it hard to formulate an answer as she was staring at him through her doll-like expression.

"Only for a little while" His answer sounded cool and confident as always. Max had never been nervous around a girl before. And this wasn't a girl. It was Ellie. But there seemed to be something in the air that hadn't been there before.

I looked him up and down as he swung his bag across his shoulder. His hand looked so strong gripping the strap as he walked right past her. I could feel my body tightening slightly as his arm brushed against me.

I was alarmed at my own reaction to him.
Sure, I had had a crush on Max when I was younger. But who hadn't? There wasn't a single girl in Amemile Valley that didn't bat their eyes at him. But I hadn't even given him a second thought since he had left for college. But just now, seeing him standing there under the summer heat had stirred something inside of me.

He was different now, more mature looking.

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