Eleven - Drama at Musical Rehearsal

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Emmi's POV:

I had missed a week of rehearsals from being sick the week before so my understudy, Claire, stepped up to make sure everything ran smoothly. Our director and English teacher, Ms. Sommers made it clear to my nemesis that she wasn't replacing me for the whole musical. Of course, when I came back on Monday to see Claire macking on the leading man that was opposite of me, I got a little out of control.

I stormed up on the stage and yanked Claire off of Sean. He stumbled backwards into Olivia and apologized profusely to her. I threw Claire to the wings of the stage and pinned her to the wall. "What the hell, Claire?" I snapped.

She laughed, "I thought you cared so much about Maddox? Should I text him and tell him you want little nerdy Sean instead? I mean, you do kiss him in a couple scenes."

"Maddox knows what happens in the musical. He's seen the movie and knows it's a stage kiss. Quit trying to put a damn wedge between him and I. It's not going to work!"

Ms. Sommers came up to the stage and looked into the wings, clearly hearing us argue. "Is everything okay back there girls?"

"Everything is just fine, Ms. Sommers!" I answered, letting Claire go. I walked back to the stage and sat down with my feet dangling over the edge. "Can you please tell Claire she's done filling in for me? She won't listen to me. And I'm pretty sure she freaked Sean out with that kiss." I glanced over to Sean and Olivia. He was shy and a year older than us, but kind and someone I could definitely see with Olivia. His dark auburn hair always fell into his light honey eyes and I always thought he was cute, but too shy for me to see myself with.

Ms. Sommers groaned, "Yes, I can speak with her. Go make sure Sean is alright and in your places for scene fourteen." She instructed.

"Yes ma'am!" I gave a two finger salute and headed over to Sean and Olivia.

Olivia had a bright smile on her face when she saw me coming over. Sean smiled softly at me and I gave a bright smile back. "Are we doing one of our scenes?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, but I also wanted to make sure you were okay. Claire can be a lot."

"Yeah. Olivia helped me out." He blushed.

I smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear, "We're doing scene fourteen, by the way."

"Sounds good. I'll go grab my hat." He ran down the steps of the stage and I went to the wings to grab my skirt for the dance.

Before I went back out to the stage, Claire grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall. "You know Maddox went out with Olivia, right?"

"Your point? He's dated almost all of the girls at the damn school." I growled.

"They're still close. Pretty sure if you two didn't start dating, he'd be with her right now."

I glared at her, knowing she was trying to get under my skin. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down from everything Claire was trying to put into my head. Maddox hadn't mentioned his exes much, but I also knew he wouldn't hide anything from me. Would he? Olivia was a sweet girl. I knew she hung out with Claire and her friends, but I never took her as the prissy, bully type of girl.

I opened my eyes, put on a hell of a smile and said, "I'm sure they made a cute couple when they were dating, but Maddox is mine. Olivia knows that and respects that. She's not like you, Clairabelle. She doesn't get hung up on a guy who clearly wants nothing to do with her." I pushed her out of the way and strutted on the stage, ready to do my scene with Sean.

I smiled proudly to myself, impressed I kept my composure and had a handle on my anger. Sean gave me a high five and Olivia hugged me. I wasn't expecting a hug, since her and I weren't close, but I wasn't opposed to it. She let go of me with a grin and went to her spot on stage, but not before she said, "I think I need to set a few things straight with what Claire said. Don't worry, I'm on your side, not hers."

II. Body Of Iron (Unedited) ❌️ ORIGINALTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang