Seventeen - Girl's Night Gone Wrong

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Emmi's POV:

I seem to be put in situations that endanger my friends and I. I don't even have control over them, but I'm apparently an easy target. I was getting sick of it. I didn't need all this crap again. The threatening texts from Claire. The stalking from Archer. I just wanted a normal year of school!

After we left the theater, we were going to head back to the house for a sleepover. But, our plans were cut short. Claire threatening me had put me on edge, but as we were heading across the parking lot to the restaurant we had eaten at, I felt a tingle go up my spine. Like someone was following us and getting really close. I had sworn I saw Claire and Archer at the theater, but I didn't see them again after the movie ended. My mind was playing tricks on me, until my spine tingling fear wasn't a trick.

My phone kept going off and I didn't want to be more on edge by reading them, but Nikki and the others knew something was off with me. It wasn't like me to not check my phone. That's when I felt a strong hand grip my shoulder. The others were huddled around my phone, so no one noticed me freeze up. "I'm coming for you, Emmilia." They whispered.

I knew that voice and it had haunted my dreams for a long time. Archer was ready to take revenge for Claire and I knew he would do whatever meant necessary for her. I had seen it first hand. I felt a hand lightly grip my throat, so I wouldn't scream, but that's when my girls turned to face me. Cassie jumped into action, taking a taser out from her purse. Jamie helped and the others tried to pry me from his grasp. I was shocked he didn't tighten his grip, to mark his target. Maybe he was just playing with his kill first?

Once I was out of his grip, tears started to fall. I heard the taser make contact with Archer and Nikki pulled me into the group circle. Jamie had him in some sort of hold, while Lilly called the cops. We all were shaken up, but I could barely form words from all the crying I was doing so Nikki called Maddox and then my parents. A little backwards, but at least everyone important to me was called.

"The guys are on their way. Luke told us to stay in the theater after the cops picked up Archer. Your parents have your comfort things ready to go. Everything is going to be okay, Em. He didn't hurt you, right?" Nikki asked.

I shook my head, "No. He just scared me. I'm shocked he didn't hurt me."

"He could be waiting for the right time," Gigi commented. "Who is he anyway?"

They didn't know his name or his backstory. I never told them. I didn't think he'd show up again. I sure as hell didn't think he'd be after me. I lowered my gaze and fidgeted with my jacket clips, scared to answer her question.

"Emmi, who is he?" Cassie pressed.

Jamie grunted as Archer struggled. "You really aren't going to tell them, Emmilia?" He taunted.

"Shut up!" I yelled.

My friends looked at me confused. They knew the only people who used that name was my family and Maddox.

Archer pushed Jamie off of him and stood up, brushing himself off with an evil grin. "I'm an old friend of Chester's."

"No you aren't! Your murdered him, Archer! You were no friend to my brother!" I screamed, trying to stay as confident as I could.

Jamie tried to get ahold of him again, but he flung her off as he walked toward me. "Emmilia, please don't make a scene. We don't need that."

"Oh, yes we do," Gigi growled and threw a punch. She hit him square in the face and he swore under his breath. "Fuck off. And tell Claire to leave her alone."

Archer started laughing, "Not going to happen, ladies. Claire knows what she wants. And my clients always get what they want." He winked and took off into the brush at the end of the parking lot.

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