Four - Fever Induced Nightmares

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Emmi's POV:

Flames surrounded me as I tried to leave my home. Someone had set my childhood home ablaze and they must have known I was still in the house, because it went up in flames with a snap of my fingers. I crawled to the front door, coughing up a lung, but I couldn't get to it. Rubble fell from above me and landed on top of me, flames enveloping me. I tried to call out for help, but my lungs were filled with smoke that nothing came out.

I gave up hope and stopped struggling. I was tired of fighting. Then, the weight was lifted off of me and I was picked up in a wedding cradle. I could barely make out the person who saved me, but as they took me outside, I heard my mom let out a relieved yell. I gave a soft smile, happy my parents and brother were okay.

"It's okay, Butterfly. You're safe now." A whisper caressed my ears. I knew that voice, but I couldn't put a name to it. Why couldn't I remember their name?

Suddenly, the scene changed and I was in a flower meadow. It was filled with wildflowers, while butterflies fluttered around collecting pollen and bumblebees buzzed, doing the same. I looked down and noticed my skin was a nice olive color and it felt like I had a crown on my head. My fingers grazed my forehead and felt a flower crown. I smiled and decided to frolic through the flowers.

I frolicked for a while and then I tripped over something that the flowers hid. I pushed myself up and looked back to see what I tripped over. My hand covered my mouth as my eyes widened, a scream let my lips and tears fell down my cheeks. I recognized them, but a name didn't come to my mind. Dark hair, tattoos, tall...who the hell was this man and what happened to him?

I backed away and ran towards the edge of the field, maybe I'd find people hiking or something. When I got to the tree lining, the scenery changed again.

I stood in front of a headstone with a single red rose in my hand. I tried to read the headstone, but the name wasn't there. I had a feeling it was the grave of the man I found, but why wasn't I able to see his name or remember it for that matter?

I knelt before the grave and sobbed, spinning the rose between my fingers. "I'm so sorry...." I choked.


A new scene came into view and I was in school. Maddox was off at college, so it was just me and my girls to defend ourselves from the bullies. There were some strange floating orbs in the hallways, but I figured they were just some new decorations that our principal wanted. I headed to my locker and frowned when I didn't see Maddox standing at my locker. I was so used to seeing him at my locker with that melt worthy grin of his that it hurt not seeing him there. Come to think of it, there was no one in the school. "Where is everyone?"

I looked around and saw more of those orb things. I decided to take a closer look into one of them and what I saw was something I was not expecting. My heart pounded in my chest when I recognized Nikki. She was wrapped in some kind of goop and unconscious. Tears burned behind my eyelids and I blinked them away, refusing to shed tears for those who I knew were still alive.

I heard scratching on the tile behind me. I turned around to see a large cat-like beast with as many limbs as a spider running straight at me. With my eyes wide, I ran the other way as fast as I could. My legs took me as far as they could before I collapsed on the cafeteria floor.

The creature stalked towards me and I scrambled away as far as I could go, but it wasn't far enough. I screamed and shouted the names of the only people I wanted to keep me safe, but I knew they weren't able to anymore. One was gone forever and the other was off at college, living the dream. "Chester! Maddox!"

And then, everything went black.

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