Six - First Day Back with Some Interesting Feelings

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Emmi's POV:

After my twenty-four hour flu, I was ready to start the semester. I was excited for musical tryouts after school and I was hoping to get the lead. We had tryouts for two days and we would find out who got what part on Friday. I may have been shy about my voice, but I wanted to change that this semester. Thanks to Maddox, he had instilled confidence in me with my music and voice.

After getting ready and making sure I looked okay, I ran downstairs and saw my family in the kitchen. They were all eating quietly and I went to sit down next to Brooks. "Morning," I smiled.

"Morning, princess. You look much better today." My dad smiled as he sipped his coffee.

I nodded, taking a waffle from the middle of the table, "I feel much better too."

"Does that mean you're riding to school with me?" Brooks asked, excitedly.

I chuckled and ruffled his hair, "Yes, kiddo."

He did a little dance in his chair as he ate his fruit and I ate my waffle. Our parents chuckled softly as they drank their coffee and I felt my phone go off. I glanced at it and smiled softly, seeing it was from Maddox.

Maddox: good morning, beautiful. Hope you're feeling better.

Me: much better, thanks for asking 😊

Maddox: so im bringing you to school today then?

Me: sure am! 😁 excited to start the new semester.

Maddox: *chuckles* of course you are. I'll be there in ten

Me: see you soon! 😘

I put my phone down and finished my breakfast. I put my dishes in the dishwasher and went to the downstairs bathroom to brush my teeth. I had put my headphones in and turned music on, so I could make sure my teeth were extra clean. Once I was finished, I walked out with nice fresh breath, too busy singing to the song that was playing that I didn't notice anyone standing in the living room waiting for me.

When I ran into them, I stopped my music and looked up to see a grinning Maddox looking down at me. I took my headphones out and blushed, "I'm sorry...I didn't know you were here yet."

He chuckled and kissed me on the cheek, "I wasn't waiting long. Brooks is in the Jeep, ready to go. He told me you were taking too long."

I giggled, tucking my hair behind my ear, "I was just brushing my teeth. I always do it after breakfast. It doesn't take me that long to do that. Only two minutes." I put my coat on, grabbed my backpack from the floor, slung it over my shoulder, said goodbye to my parents and we left for the car.


The first half of the day went pretty well. My teachers gave me the weekend to get the homework I missed done and I knew my friends would help me if I had questions. I was starving my lunch, but I realized I forgot my lunch at home and I didn't have money for hot lunch. Sadly, none of my friends had lunch with me this semester, so I was shit out of luck for food.

Instead of staying in the cafeteria, I decided to check my backpack to see if I had some snacks I forgotten about. Thankfully, I had a few granola bars in the front pocket for theater, so I wouldn't be completely dying by the end of the day. I sat at my locker, trying not to look desperate as I ate as I scrolled through my phone.

"Emmi?" I heard a friendly voice from above. I looked up, embarrassed at my pathetic attempt of a lunch and saw Peter, a freshman who is was an ensemble character in the musical, standing over me with raised brows. He had his cold lunch in his hand and he sat down next to me. His light hair was spiked a bit and his brown eyes were worried. "No lunch?" He asked, pointing to my granola bar wrappers.

I blushed, rubbing my hand at the back of my neck, "Yeah...I forgot my lunch at home and I don't have cash for hot lunch. Pathetic, I know."

"Maddox didn't get you lunch?" He asked, biting into his turkey and cheddar sandwich.

I shook my head, "He's in class. Don't really wanna bother him with it."

Peter side-eyed me, stood up and held his hand out for me to take, "Come on. I just saw him in the guys bathroom. He's probably still in there."

I gulped, shoved my phone in my pocket and stood up. I really didn't want to have Maddox get me food. Yeah, it was our agreement, but still. I felt bad.

Peter dragged me to the bathroom and I stood outside of it, waiting. I heard Peter and Maddox chatting and heavy footsteps came to the entrance. "Did my butterfly forget her lunch again?" Maddox raised his brows with a smirk.

I blushed, looking down, "Maybe...I was just too distracted to remember." I said playfully, twirling my hair on my pointer finger.

He chuckled and stood in front of me. Peter waved bye, as he went to the cafeteria and I waved shyly to him. Maddox took his wallet from his back pocket and handed me a twenty. "Make sure to get something nutritional, Butterfly. And grab something for after school." He kissed me on the cheek and I felt his breath tickle my ear, "You're such a flirt." He chuckled and nibbled my earlobe.

My face turned completely red and my body stopped working. I felt the base of my gut twist itself in knots and I had no idea what that meant. I had never had that feeling before from someone I was seeing. I mean, the only other person was Zach and I'm glad I wasn't turned on by him. I had always had this feeling from some movies or shows that I didn't realize were more mature. this what I think it is? Oh the hell am I supposed to handle this? I panicked.

Maddox looked at me with raised brows as he leaned away from me, "You okay?"

I nodded slowly and gulped, crossing my legs and tightening my thighs. He glanced down to my action and his eyes went back up to mine. "Did I just..."

I threw my hands to my face and I nodded, embarrassed. "I have to wait until I get home and go to bed. There is no way I am doing anything while here."

He chuckled and hugged me, "Emmi, relax. You'll get through it. Go get lunch and calm down. I'll see you after class."

"Are you staying after school?" I asked.

"Would you like me to?"

"Yes, please. I think my dad is picking up Brooks after school, since he has a self-defense class on Wednesdays. You'll still be able read with him, don't worry. And my mom is home late, since she has book club right after work."

"Then, I'll stay and watch you at rehearsal. I have a few things I have to do anyway for my semester long Art project. But make sure Brooks has a ride, kay? Let me know after class." He smiled and kissed me on the lips. "I love you, Butterfly."

"I love you too," I giggled.

He left back to his class and I went back to the cafeteria to get more food in me than the granola bars I scarfed down at my locker.

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