Twelve - Important Conversations

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Maddox's POV:

Sitting in the kitchen of the Fischer's house was something I had done hundreds of times. This time however was under different circumstances. It dealt with the safety of their daughter and I was more scared of what Erich would do to me than Emmi's mother. My leg bounced on the bar of the chair I sat in at the island as I waited for Emmi's parents to meet with me after school Monday.

Emmi had theater rehearsal, so it was just her parents and me. I didn't want Emmi to be more on edge than she already was with the guy, so I was thankful she was still at school with her friends. But, she was also with Claire, so I knew she had something up her sleeve to make Emmi's day take a turn. I just hoped it wasn't too bad for Emmi to take on without me by her side.

Mr. and Mrs. Fischer finally walked in from their garage and stopped in their tracks. "Is everything okay with Emmi and Brooks?" Mrs. Fischer asked, searching frantically around the first floor of their house with her eyes for her kids.

"They're fine. Emmi's at rehearsal and Brooks said he was going by Matt's after school." I chuckled softly, feeling like their sitter for their two kids who were under five years old. "I wanted to talk to you both without Emmi listening."

Erich side-eyed me with a scowl, "You're not coming to ask for her hand, are you?"

The color drained from my face and I shook my head frantically, "No, sir. That won't be happening for a while, sir. Like years." I reassured him.

"Then what is it, boy?"

"I um...well...I'm worried about Emmi's safety. One of my exes is working with someone who I believe Emmi knows. Someone she's deathly afraid of, but I haven't asked her about it yet. I don't know his name, but I do know what he looks like." I looked between the two and they looked as worried as I was. "At the hockey game last night, we had ran into my ex and this guy. My ex pushed Emmi, but this guy caught her. She looked like she'd seen a ghost but also scared for her own life. Do you know anything about that?"

Erich immediately walked out of the kitchen and into the spare bedroom, slamming the door after he entered. Mrs. Fischer hung her head and sighed, "We don't talk about what happened much, but I think it's time you know something about what happened that night, Maddox. I'm sure you're aware that Erich and Emmi were home when it happened, yes?"

I nodded, "Yes, ma'am."

"Well, the one who did it wasn't Marz. Sure, she held the weapon, but the young man who was in front of her, pinning my son down snatched it from her and ended it. That's why Marz never did any time and neither did anyone else, except for the young man."

My jaw hung open in disbelief. I really hoped this wasn't the same guy Claire was doing business with. I was at a loss for words and it felt like my brain stopped for a minute. "Was he blond back then and tall?" I finally asked.

"Yes. He is a dangerous man who is basically a hired hit man. His name is Archer and he is someone not to be trifled with." Mrs. Fischer warned.

My heart dropped to my stomach and it tied itself into knots. It was all starting to make sense and if I was to keep my precious girlfriend safe from this Archer guy, I needed some help. I took my phone from out of my from pocket and swiped the several texts from Claire away and texted the guys in our group chat.

Me: hey, i need your help with something.

Wes and Lukas: what's up?

Me: i need help keeping tabs in Emmi

Wes: obsessive much?

Me: remember the guy Claire was hanging with last night? There is some history with the Fischer family with him that I don't really want to get into over a text

II. Body Of Iron (Unedited) ❌️ ORIGINALWhere stories live. Discover now