Chapter - 4

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Bongsoo was really hurt by everything Jin said to her. She was not expecting this kind of behaviour from him at all.
"Why did I even waste my few days thinking about that jerk." she thought.

She had told everything that happened and what Jin did and said to Junhee. Junhee told to Yoongi and Jungmi.
Jungmi was very upset with Jin's behaviour towards her favourite professor. She needed to have a talk with her oppa.

"Jungmi-ya, don't start arguing with hyung please. We'll talk about it when everyone cools down."

"No Kookie. I'm not going to stay silent today. What he has done is unacceptable. He needs to give an answer on why he did that."

Then the doorbell rang. Jungmi opened it, and Jin came inside directly going towards his room without saying anything.

"Jin oppa, we need to talk."

"I don't want to talk to anyone right now."

"Well but you have to. You don't have any option."

She came in front of Jin. Jungkook also came and stood beside her, to control if things go out of hand.

"First tell me, why did you talk with miss Lee like that?"

"And why do I owe you an explanation for that?"

Jin's such a response triggered Jungmi's anger even more.

"What do you mean oppa? You know it very well we're doing all this just for you. So that you can find someone and be happy. And yes, we set all this up, not miss Lee. She didn't even know it was you."

"I don't understand why the hell are all of you so inclined towards me dating someone? Why can't you just let me be? I didn't ask you to find me a girl, did I?"

"Because we want you to be happy hyung." JK said.

Now Jin's voice really rose and he was literally shouting angrily them.

"Who told you that finding love will make you happy? Actually you know what, it's the exact opposite. Love only gives you pain. So technically it's like you both are pushing me to feel pain. Is that what you want for your older brother? Tell me, Jungmi-ya." Jin started shaking her violently.

Jungmi got scared. Jin had never shown this side of his before. Yes he got angry at times, but this time it was like he had unleashed a monster.
Jungkook freed Jungmi from Jin's grip and wrapped his arm around her.

"Hyung, you're scaring her. Please.."

"What please? Now I can't even express my feelings because it scares you. You know how much I have already sacrificed for the both of you? I sacrificed my whole youth because I was busy doing jobs to send you both to school. I had to drop out of college. The time when I was supposed to make friends and go to parties, I was doing double shifts at work and cooking two times meals at home. There had been times when I regretted my decision of taking your responsibility."

Jungmi was already in tears, and even Jungkook couldn't control any longer. They had never even imagined Jin was holding so much grudge inside of him. JK looked at him with hurtful tear filled eyes, and found no words to say to him. What had happened to his Jin hyung.
But Jungmi mustered up the courage and said,

"Thank you for letting us know your true feelings, Mr. Kim Seokjin."
Saying that she went to her room, pulling JK with her.

Jin just stood there like a statue.


The next day Jin woke up and realized what he had done in his anger. But he had no courage to face them now. Still, he needed to apologize. He came to the living room cautiously. It was empty. He went towards their room which was also empty. His heart started feeling heavy. Where did they go?

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