Chapter Thirty-Four: Where Past and Present Entwine

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The entity hummed once more, but this time with a different tenor—gentler, almost like a parent comforting a child. "Your journey is unique, and your destiny yours to shape," it murmured, the words weaving through the hum. The Knight could feel the shift in the entity's demeanor, suggesting that his response had resonated with it.

Without warning, from the abyss of its form, a pendant materialized. Crafted from shadow pearl, it gleamed with a mysterious blue outline, exuding an otherworldly aura. As the pendant settled against his chest, a peculiar sensation washed over the Knight. It wasn't just the cold touch of the shadow pearl or its pulsating energy; there was an undeniable connection, a tether. The pendant felt like a key, not just a mere object, but something that could unlock a part of him that lay dormant, waiting to be awakened.

Floating towards the Knight, the pendant hovered in mid-air, awaiting its new bearer. "Take it," the figure commanded, its tone not demanding but insistent.

The Knight hesitated for a moment, but then, realizing the futility of defying such a being, he reached out and clasped the pendant. It felt cold to the touch, yet pulsated with an energy that he couldn't quite comprehend.

And just as suddenly as it had appeared, the entity vanished, leaving no trace behind. The oppressive weight lifted, and the Knight, drained of strength and will, collapsed to his knees. A whirlwind of emotions engulfed him. Relief, fear, awe, and curiosity churned within, each battling for dominance. He felt like he had touched the very fabric of existence, been granted an audience with the cosmos itself. "Damn..." he whispered, still trying to process the enormity of what had transpired, "Unbelievable..." The pendant around his neck felt both like a blessing and a burden, a token of his journey into the unknown.



A single word encompassed the maelstrom of emotions Jingliu felt, with fragments of her soul fluttering away like fragile wicks of a candle in the fierce gusts of a stormy night. The trials had been brief, a fleeting passage of time, but their impact was indelible. It wasn't the physical exertions that tormented her, but the phantoms that haunted her during the trial. The mirages of the Cloud Knights, the High Cloud Quintet, and Baiheng pierced her spirit. But none hurt more than the sight of Y/N.

She knew these trials were a crucible, a test of her mettle and the weight of her title, the Nighthilt Sovereign. They were gateways to the past, conduits to the memories she yearned to embrace and the one face she longed to see. Even a mere glimpse, a fleeting shadow of him would have sated her heart. But destiny had been less kind.

Indeed, power had nestled in her hands, a testament to the tragedies she had surmounted, but what was power when she stood alone at the pinnacle? Jing Yuan, her diligent student, might discern the cracks in her facade, the melancholy that sometimes clouded her eyes. Yet, comprehension of the depths of her despair was beyond his reach.

The crystalline tinkling announced Fuli's presence, not emerging from the pendant but materializing before Jingliu, its form glinting like a myriad of stars. Her eyes, streaked with the trails of dried tears, locked onto the Aeon. Words were unnecessary; the myriad emotions that played on her face conveyed more than any spoken language could.

Fuli, perceptive as ever, intoned, "Your path's end has been charted. Journey forth, and the moments when you first crossed paths with him will unfurl before you."

Had the Aeon been watching her all along? It was no accident, no twist of fate that she found herself in these realms. Fuli had orchestrated this dance of destiny. If the Knight had to traverse his journey of self-discovery, then Jingliu, his destined counterpart, was fated to walk a similar path. In their individual growths lay the potential of an intertwined destiny.

Bonds of Darkness: Swordmen's RedemptionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz