Chapter 4 The Original 15 (Part 4)

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The viewing started without no interruption. In the gravel fields, we see numerous amount of Warrior Bugs scattered around the area. Up in the sky, we now see a Squadron of Bombers making their way down the infested field filled with Warrior Bugs.

There, they proceed to drop a crap ton of ordinance at the swarm of Bugs

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There, they proceed to drop a crap ton of ordinance at the swarm of Bugs. Once they made impact, it caused a chain of explosions that turn the Bugs into nothing but paste. The Warrior Bugs can be seen making their way out of there as more explosions erupt in the field, with the Warrior Bug's body parts flying out and them being engulfed in flames.

Once the smoke clears, the Roughnecks alongside the One-Five's Unit made their way towards the hillside and see the view. The field is littered with the remains of the dead Bug Warriors, all burned to a crisp, you can even smoke coming out of them.

As usual, Nora cheers seeing the explosions, with Lie telling Nora to go back to her seat.

Oobleck: I take it most bombing runs when it comes to the Bugs are effective. Just by watching this, one run can annihilate an entire Grimm Horde.

Salem grumbles at annoyance at how the Arcadians can literally annihilate her Grimm Hordes, the same can be said for Cinder. Even if Mercury didn't reveal her plan. The Arcadians weaponry are enough to destroy her plan entirety and they even have access to Magic.

The one to answer them was Lisa, since she has the most experience in dealing with these Bugs.

Lisa: It's a 50/50 shot. Sometimes the bombing runs wipe those Bugs off the face of the planet, and sometimes they don't and leave behind stragglers. These things are smart and know what to do when they see us go for an attack. They are sentient, unlike the Grimm of the 4 Kingdoms.

Port: I forgot to ask, but are there Grimm in Arcadia?

Juniper: There are, and they're not like the ones you see in the 4 Kingdoms. Trust me, you'll see them in a viewing, right Dark?

Dark Decade: Yup.

Salem wonders what Juniper is talking about, while Ozpin knows the answer.

Rasczak takes a good look of the area and orders his men to get down to business.

Rasczak: Alright. Spread out! Fireteams, you locate a Bug Hole. Nuke it.

The Soldiers spread out and made their way down the hill and towards the field of dead Bugs. Lisa can be seen jogging towards Watkins, who has the One-Five behind him.

Lisa: Watkins, shake out Arc, Ironblooded, Evergarden, and Murata.

Watkins: Copy that. Move out!

The four members of the One-Five go with Watkins, leaving the other 11 behind as they follow Lisa.

Lisa: First platoon, we're going for that ridge. The rest of the One-Five, you're with me.

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