Chapter 7: Intermission

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Everyone has now arrived in the Mess Hall of the Theatre, which looks like a high-end Restaurant. Majority of them are all in separate tables doing their own things, but Dark Decade and the 4 Founders made sure to place a table in the middle, where the Arc Family is sitting. In that table is Juniper along with the Elder Arcs, the Arc Sisters and Terra are sitting with Jaune.

From there, majority of the people in the 4 Kingdoms asked them questions regarding Arcadia and why it was kept secret from them. They shouted complaints that Arcadia should have helped them, they were suffering while Arcadia did nothing.

Liam and Alsie explained that due to a certain Nicolas Arc who's original last name is Kane, Nicolas Kane. He was the sole reason why the hatred and dislike of the 4 Kingdoms increased, Juniper stated the Arcadians truly have no interest in helping the 4 Kingdoms, refusing to allow their problems to head to their home. Some wanted to help, but Nicolas' actions, truly changed their minds.

Ghira asked about the Faunus Laws in the Faunus Kingdoms of Arcadia, with Juniper stating they are strict and if more offenses have been committed, they will go to jail. Sienna didn't believe it, but in Juniper's words.

Juniper: If you don't believe me, fine. I'm willing to help the Faunus of the 4 Kingdoms, but I'm leaving you and all those that disagree with co-existing with the other races, behind. Your kind doesn't deserve to step in our lands.

What she was referring to was the White Fang, anybody who still associates with them, are not welcomed. If they even dare step in their lands, it will be met with hostile force.

Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses asked if the Arcadians are similar to Atlas, and was met with a punch to the face by Juniper, knocking Robyn out.

The Arcadians explained out of all the 4 Kingdoms and Menagerie, they despise Atlas the most, due to their greedy and egotistical natures. They are willing to let those that are legitimately good people in their lands, but those of the Atlas Elitists, they are willing leave behind and rot in the depths of hell.

They also asked if they are willing to make an alliance, Juniper's answer was a 50/50 chance of doing so, the Arcadians and their leaders ain't want to deal with the Councils of the 4 Kingdoms. It will be a pain in the ass, and will be tempted to shoot them in the head if they pissed them off

But they have ways to deal with them, the proper and dirty way.

With Ozpin and Juniper

During those talks, Ozpin and Juniper went to a Conference Room. They asked Dark Decade for one and he obliged. The Armored Rider made sure no one and I mean no one is listening in.

Joining them in this meeting are Hazel, Tyrian, and Watts. The three believe they know what's about to happen here.

Juniper: I take it all three of you know what we are here to discuss?

Tyrian: Indeed, your highness. I believe it's time for us to reveal our true alliances?

Ozpin: Yes, it will only be a matter of time before you three are shown to be part of Arcadia.

Watts: And we know Salem won't take too kindly of this.

Hazel: Obviously, her most trusted assets that have been doing her "work", are revealed to be agents of Arcadia. She will realize that Arcadia now knows of her plans to conquer Remnant and will not be pleased by it.

Tyrian: The only people left on her Inner Circle are Cinder and Emerald. Even with them, it's not enough and she will have to rethink her plans.

Watts: Indeed, I heard Mercury will be speaking to Roman about this matter. The man wants a way out of Cinder's clutches, Mercury and Hei can get him to safety.

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