Chapter 15: Jaune's Drunken Marriage (Prolouge)

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The Audience fixes themselves as the Arc Clan sat further away from the Arcadians, as not to let certain events, like the one a few seconds ago, happen again. Aurelia and Anastasia both got Adam and Jackson out of the wall, with Anastasia forcefully dragging Jackson to his Seat, he tried to flirt with her and was punched in the face, ending up with Jackson having a broken nose and a black eye.

Any questions about the Black Arms were put to a halt, with Juniper (Arcadia) only answering this question from Oobleck.

Oobleck: Did any good came from this attack?

Juniper (Arcadia): Yes, the War paved way for all the Races and Faction of Arcadia to unite together to fight a common foe. They thought we would be destroyed, disorganized, lose all hope in the world. But no, we all standed together as one and fought to bring back our home, and to stop the Black Arms once and for all. 

All those in the 4 Kingdoms wish the unity that Arcadia has, existed in their home, with some scoffing at that notion, you already know who they are.

Jaune: So, Dark. What is this viewing about?

Dark Decade: Tune in and find out. Maybe it will actually make you consider on going that route.

Jaune: Uh, what route?

Dark Decade: Don't worry about it.

He starts up the viewing as Jaune wonders what the hell kind of route is Dark Decade asking him to take. Unknown to him, his Daughter, Newt, who hasn't spoken for a while, was able to put the pieces together and smiles excitedly. She wonders who will be her Mommies!!

Jaune: Ugh, to think I only have two weeks here before I'm back in that hellhole you call the 4 Kingdoms.

Jaune can be seen walking the streets of Arcadia, he is joined by Furlan. It's Semester Break in Beacon right now, and Jaune got confirmation that all Sectors are clear and he's allowed to go back home, the only downside is he still has to come back to Beacon. His Mom made a deal with Ozpin, in order for him to stay in Beacon when he is at hiding, he needs to finish a year there, which annoyed Jaune fully.

Nora: Wait! Are you telling me when Semester Break hits you get to go back to Arcadia!? Why aren't we invited?!

Lie: Nora, Jaune said it's difficult for him to leave because of the Black Arms. But I believe what we are seeing here, he was able to go back home safely without any interference.

Jaune: Most likely less activity there. But for your question regarding if I would have brought you to Arcadia, the answer is obviously yes, Nora.

Coco: But are you planning to invite us?

Sun: And us?!

Jaune: I can do it for you.

He refers to Team CFVY first, then turns his attention to Sun.

Jaune: As for you, I'm not sure, knowing your track record and your first impressions weren't really all that good. Maybe if you hung out with me instead of Blake, maybe I'll reconsider.

Sun nods, while Blake felt offended by that. Meanwhile, Pyrrha felt very upset that she isn't part of the whole Team JNPR going to Arcadia, maybe that viewing where her Future-Self revealed his transcripts, hurt him. After all, she did break his trust.

Furlan: Cheer up, Jaune. It's only a couple of more months before you finish the year in Beacon. After that, you get to officially go back home.

Jaune: Yeah, but still....

Ruby: Is that-

Jaune: Yes. Once the year is over in Beacon, Team CRDL and I, along with Lie and Nora, will go back to Arcadia. That was the agreement with Ozpin.

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