Chapter 5: The Original 15 (Part 5)

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Before the viewing is about to begin, Jaune's friends from Beacon notice the grim looks him and his Team have.

Pyrrha: Jaune, is there something wrong? You don't look so good, ever since Dark told us what we are going to watch.

Jaune: I rather not say the reason why I look like this, Pyrrha. It's best you get your answers when the viewing starts. There, you will understand.

Pyrrha nods, but frowns. She really wants to get to know Jaune, but not the one she knows in Beacon, but the one in Arcadia. Because from what she's seeing here, he's a completely different person.

Clover: So, Dark. What are you planning to show us? The War with the Combine lasted for a year and a half, so there's a lot to show here.

Dark Decade: Most likely we'll show you all a few snippets of their battles, preferably one of the first major objectives you guys had to take and after that, it's the incident....

Clover: I see.

He looks towards a certain member of the audience as they refuse to make eye contact with Clover. Looks like everyone here will know that person's mistake.

The viewing now begins as we are greeted with a terrain that resembles something out of a post-apocalyptic world. We can see a few broken down buildings with only the walls remaining, a few trees that are still alive with some already withered and dead, the same can be said for the shrubbery.

Jaune is leading a detachment of the Battalion to battle, their armor is still the same from when they were deployed to Planet P. But are now sporting brown and green ammo fitting the terrain of the planet they are in, which is Earth-17. A collection of planets that have the same name, Earth. There are 50 of them in total, scattered all across the Galaxy.

The Company can be seen exiting through the bushes, the sound of large booms can be heard getting closer and closer.

Winter: Colonel Arc-

Jaune: Just call me, Jaune. We're not in the Military right now nor are we in a mission. Please refer to me as my name, Winter.

Weiss didn't like Winter calling Jaune a Colonel, it didn't fit with what she knew him back in Beacon.

Winter: Of course, what was your mission here?

Jaune: Eliminate the Artillery that's causing problems in another section of the City. We were dropped in behind enemy lines through the night and made our way here. We dealt with patrols and I lost a few guys in the fight.

Winter: I see....

They continue moving in with the sounds of Combine shouting, Jaune rushes towards a broken down car where Ch'en was waiting for him. She relays to him the intel by showing hand signals. Jaune moved in to get a closer look, heading inside the car.

He can see the Artillery Cannon, alongside Squads of Overwatch Soldiers, he counts at least six to nine of them manning the cannon.

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