Chapter 19: Return to Raccoon City (Part 1)

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Dark Decade: Before we start the Viewing, I will bring in a couple of new Guests. Six of them to be precise. Shiho, would you please step forward?

She nods and walks in front of Dark Decade, as he snaps his fingers and six Individuals now appear in the Theatre, all of them wearing different Outifts. These are the Members of Wesker Squadron, we have their Leader, Sitri Eisner. Then their Members, Inko Midoriya, Rebecca Lee or Revy, Maiya Midoriya or Maiya Hisau, Chitaru Namatame, and Saeko Busujima.

Shiho: Hey, Girls. Long time no see.

Sitri: Shiho, where the hell are we, and why is it some kind of Theatre?

Saeko: I do see the Arc Royal Family here, along with the One-Five and a couple of Arcadians that I recognize.

Revy: Same can be said for the Grimm Kingdom, and the Angels.

Shiho: I won't go into too much details about this whole situation, but we are brought here to a Theatre to watch all of Arcadia as we reveal it to the Outsiders.

Those from Wesker Squad had their eyes widen in shock, hearing this.

Inko: Are you sure this is a good idea? Knowing the very person who almost ruined Arcadia is from the 4 Kingdoms.

Shiho: There's nothing we can do, even if they attack, we have the means to repel, they witnessed it firsthand.

Sitri: At least we don't have to worry about these Outsiders attacking our Home. They'll be dead before they even reach the Land.

Maiya: Indeed.

Shiho leads them to an Area where they can sit, and it's by Clover, who was sitting just a few Seats from the Ace-Ops.

Winter: Clover, who are they?

Clover: Oh, them? They're Wesker Squadron.

Winter and some of the Members of the Audience, especially those of the Ace-Ops, were shocked that this is the Wesker Squadron they heard about in the Viewings. Harriet sees this and wants to challenge all of Wesker Squad, seeing if she has what it takes to show them who's the best.

In the Arcadian Cruiser, we see the Arcadian Fleet making it's way to one of the Cities of Arcadia, this is due to an attack by the Black Arms. The doors of the Briefing Room open and out steps in Jaune and the Original 15, they enter the Briefing Room, which is a large circle with over hundreds of Arcadian Officers sitting in the Circular Rows, with a Circular Holographic Projector in the middle.

Jaune and the Original 15 take their Seats as Jaune is seated beside two women. The first is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body, white skin, blue eyes. She has long crimson hair, and bores a very serious expression. She wears black Military Gear, almost akin to that of an Assassin, a black Formal Military Grade Suit which tightly covers her entire body, black Track Pants and a Black Belt, along with shoes. This is Rias Gremory.

 This is Rias Gremory

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