"Let's charge mana with mana" Rolf who noticed her attack slammed his paw onto the ball deflecting it meters away to the ground causing flying debri.

He growled at the female wolf before running towards her.
She opened her mouth again and blasted more mana balls at the Clan Leader who kept evading or deflecting it.

When he came upon her, the Ancestral Child immediately jumped back before howling at him, sending a loud sound wave towards him.

"Your wind mana attacks are strong, Motaki" Rolf commended as his paws grasped the dirt to hold himself from being blown away while he tried hard to prevent his ears from bursting.

"But, you've forgotten that the Clan Leaders are children of the Ancestral Wolf and only the Elder Child matches our power" He yelled as the red armor extended from his legs to his entire body making him look deadly and auspicious.

Motaki howled once again releasing an even stronger sound wave at Rolf,

The sound wave did nothing to the clan elder who had shrouded himself from her attacks as his armor did not crack.

Instantly, he rushed at her and swiped his armored paw, she failed to react on time as his paw slapped her face sending her tumbling to the ground as she slid away.

Rolf then opened his mouth and a ray of light struck her allowing debris to flow and ending her life.

"A level 28 chosen recruit fighting against a level 32 veteran" he scoffed as his armor dispersed into an aura that could be seen.

"Elder, do you think I can be defeated with just a strike!" A voice followed as the dust dispersed revealing a silver wolf with a strong aura and green eyes.

Rolf growled upon seeing her reveal her presence.
"I'll show you just why you are one of the weakest among the Ancestral Children" He said as his eyes turned fiery red.

Motaki bared her canines before her paws dashed at the Clan Wolf.

The battle between the wolves continued till the heat of the day.
Fenris growled at a wolf that growled at him.

He grinned as he avoided the paw strike that released cracks on the ground.
"You are not an opponent" He belittled the wolf before rushing at him.

His opponent swiped a paw at him only to miss and crack the ground once more.

But this time, there was a difference. Fenris had passed him and a trail of blood flowed out of his neck before his body collapsed onto the ground.

"Indeed you weren't" Fenris scoffed at the dead wolf before walking on.

Motaki panted heavily as scar marks patterned her skin and blood dyed her fur red.

"What a pity!" Ralf said, his eyes held hesitation as he slashed at her once again.

The Six Clan Leaders gathered at a spot having slaughtered multiple opponents.

"The battle has reached nothing but a stalemate" Rolf pointed out.
"Fenris and the Ancestral Children are pushing our forces backwards" Another Wolf added.

"Many wolves have already died. This must be stopped. If the Ancestral Children gang up on us, it will be hard to decide the winner"

"So far, we've only killed two of them"

The other Clan Leaders agreed and stood in a six stared formation.

One of them released a loud howls that signaled a retreat for the clan wolves.

The howls that were heard were followed with large packs of wolves rushing from the battlefield.

"Wolves, do not let them retreat!" Fenris ordered the rebels who chased after the deserters.

"Not a chance,"
The Six Clan Wolves all released loud howls that shot to the sky in the form of waves.

As Fenris and his rebels wolves charged forth, the waves descended in front of them and slammed the area they were heading towards, smashing to the ground those who were close and blowing many of them away.

The rebel wolves had been hit by the attack and many of them were wounded.

But Fenris and some of the Ancestral Wolves still stood on their feets watching the enemy retreat from them.

"Stop!" He said to the wolves who wanted to run after the retreating army.

"We will meet them again, nurse your wounds and heal yourselves" he said.

The first battle between the wolves was just one among the many that would come.

With this, the clan had divided into three groups; the rebels, the clans and the departed shamans.

The Plains had now been split between two powers and would do so for many years.

"To think that the clan would split like this" Shawn said before calling the system.
"System, summon Blan" He said.

A bright light appeared in the room and dimmed revealing a grey silver wolf.

He queried "Your Clan ended up splitting and you didn't do anything to stop it why?"

Blan stared at the Creator and calmly replied "The Clan held power over the plains for a really long time and was starting to have internal disputes and fracture. All seems well on the surface but it is not.

The Elder Child, the Ancestral Children and the Shamans were needed to make them stay in one piece"

His eyes nearly watered as he spoke his next words "Though it pains me that many of my descendants had to pay the price for the division. At least the clan can hold its power a bit longer but I know that nothing lasts for long"

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