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An elderly woman is sitting in the hospital bed, it's around 11pm. She's currently looking through her phone, old photos and videos, some recent, some old. She's all by herself but has a smile that would light up a room. She's currently waiting for what she desires most. She hears a knock on the door. She puts her phone away.

Old woman: come in.

A woman in her 20's, very attractive with long blue hair entered.

?? : hey... It's been a while....

Old woman: it really has... You look good...

?? : ... You do too...

Old woman: I'm so old.

?? : I'm talking about your smile. Still the same. Lights up the room.... Where are the kids?

Old woman: oh, talking with the doctors and making some arrangements. Come sit down.

The attractive blue haired woman sat on the side of the bed.

?? : ... I heard... Are you..

Old woman: fully content, I've done my part and there's nothing else I can do... They don't need me either...

?? : don't say that... Your family will always want and need you....

Old woman: that's how your family makes you feel.. Oh, how rude of me. How are you and your family doing?

?? : they're doing good. In fact, I've got a bun in the oven right now.

Old woman: oh!! Congrats!

She immediately hugged her, the young woman started to get a bit emotional.

?? : thank you... In case it's a girl... Can I name her after you?

Old woman: I'd be honoured... And.. I think it will be a girl.

?? : how can you tell?

Old woman: I had guessed the genders of every addition to my family almost accurately. I've got a knack for it.

?? : you never cease to surprise me..... I... Miss hanging out... Why did you do it?

Old woman: I had to. You know that, I don't want to be the last elder in my family anymore. I want to be with my husband.

?? : but you were an angel... You could go to heaven and see them any time... I don't want to lose you for good this time, Irina.

Irina: Xenovia, reincarnated angels can't visit the souls in heaven, it wouldn't be fair to the living. It's a little known rule.

Xenovia, still young and strong because of being a devil, looks at her former partner and friend who had quit being an angel, grow so old that her body is failing. She starts to cry a little bit. Irina held her close with what little strength she had but in that little strength, Xenovia felt love and comfort.

Xenovia: I... Don't want to say goodbye again... I know I fucked up decades ago... It haunts me till this day... But I just want to be friends again... I miss you, I miss Issei, I miss everyone...

She starts to cry little harder, her voice begins to break.

Irina: oh come on, it was a long time ago, I forgive you and knowing Issei, I'm sure he forgave you long ago, I saw it on his face, he was more at peace one particular day. Now, I heard that you're a king now.

Xenovia: .. Yeah... I am... I already have a peerage... They are good people... We're training for the upcoming rating game... I wish you would come see us fight...

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