part 1: 12x the heart break.

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(Mental conversation)
*Slight character actions such as sighs, grunts, yawns etc*.


Issei was currently on his way back home with a box in his hand, in said box are special items he bought with his own money which he earned from the oppai dragon show. He had access to it after winning the rating game, it was late at night and they had just recently won a rating game, while the others were celebrating at home, he was preparing a surprise. When he got home, it was quiet meaning the celebrations have died down. He didn't find anyone around so he assumed that they were in his room, after the renovation the bed they had was big enough for everyone. He walked up to his room and slowly opened the door, it was dark but being a devil gave him night vision and he saw something wasn't right, there are more people in this room than there should be. He turned on the light switch slowly and as soon as he did......his heart nearly stopped beating. He saw Rias, Ravel, Akeno, Xenovia, Asia, Koneko, Rossweisse, Kiba, Gasper, Riser, Saji and Sairorg..... completely nude with only bed sheets covering some of them, the room was littered with special liquor bottles and condoms but the latter was few in number. Issei just stood there for a minute or two, Ddraig was just as speechless as his partner. The bright light caused some of them to wake up.

Rias: oohh my head...who turned on the light?

Riser: so bright......

Ravel: what happened?

Sairorg: huh? Wait are we in Issei's room?

They looked around the bed and then saw everyone naked, they were shocked.

Rias: oh no....did we...?

They then saw someone standing by the door. It was Issei.

Rias: oh shit! Issei it's not what it looks like!!

Riser: y..y...yeah.. it' prank. Yeah yeah it's a prank.

He starts to sweat profusely. Sairorg was ashamed of himself. Rias and Riser loudly denied the obvious truth and this caused the others to wake up, it took them a second to come to their senses and they instantly regret doing that.

Akeno: Issei it's not what you think...

Issei just put a finger on his lips indicating he wants them all to shut the fuck up, this whole time he didn't even blink...he just.....stared at them. None of them dared to meet his gaze, Issei then looked at the box then back to the guys.

Issei: Riser..... Kiba.... Gasper.. Sairorg.... and Saji... Get. over. here.

His tone was calm but demanding obedience. They dare not refuse him. They slowly got out of bed and started to get dressed. Koneko tried to intervene.

Koneko: Issei...

Issei: shut. Up.

She flinched at his tone, his calm body language and tone scared her, she hid behind Rossweisse. The 5 guys stood before him with their heads down. Issei got up and walking towards them, his steps are completely silent, he then stood before them.

Issei: take this....

Sairorg and Riser being a little taller can see the box in front of them, they slowly looked up.

Issei: go on....

His voice was still so monotone.

Sairorg reluctantly grabbed the box.


Issei: just take the box.

He nodded. Issei then looked at Riser.

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