part 20: burned out

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Issei stays unconscious for a few months and is put on life support, everyone took turns visiting him, his parents didn't leave his side. Sirzechs, Grayfia, Serafall and Azazel forced the 11 to be imprisoned in Mantle's prison, they created numerous barriers and sealed away their powers. Ajuka severed the link between Issei's pawn pieces and Rias's control. She immediately felt the connection disappear. She had to be held down by Sairorg as she was going insane and harming herself. They are to be kept away from him, Asia was given slightly more freedom as she did help save his life in Remnant, she's allowed to go anywhere but where Issei is at the time. Issei grew weaker as the days went by, he's skinny now. RWBY, JNPR, Cinder, Neo and everyone took turns looking after him, Yang, Ruby, Blake, and Kuroka didn't leave his side, Issei's parents can tell that he means a lot to everyone in both universes. They approved of the girls, some days were harder than most. The days when others were looking after Issei, the ones who love him were advised to go home, to rest and have faith that he'll be okay. Irina and Michael prayed. Yang and Ruby cried at night, their family is there to comfort them, Zwei would sit sadly by his bed side, nudge his hands and hoped that Issei would wake up but no response. Ddraig was able to speak and told everyone that not even he can tell how long he'll be in a coma. Blake would visit her parents and through her they found out what happened to Issei and who he really is, how she's in love with him and fears that she may lose him. They tried their best to comfort her and wanted to see if it's true, they go to Atlas and see his condition. It's all so overwhelming. All of those who knew personally eventually knew the truth, it was a lot to take in but their respect for him is great, they weren't told of his pervy side as he didn't like that part of him anymore.

Salem is powerless now and is locked away, she still feels the phantom pain throughout her body, a constant reminder of a dragon's rage. Even the brother gods pity her. Cinder didn't feel afraid of her anymore as she saw her completely broken.

Cinder: Salem....

Salem: Cinder...? Is that you?...

Cinder: yes....

... Tell the gods to free me from my torment!

Cinder: ..... I won't make the mistake of demanding from them like you did.


Cinder: I was nothing because of you.... But because of Issei and everyone else... I can atone for my sins and rise up. I can become more.

She released a fire ball and hit the side of her cell, Salem cowers to the opposite side as fire terrifies her. Issei's flames still metaphorically burn her soul.

Cinder: .... I should thank you for one thing, I got to meet my real family and others to whom I can relate. I'm going to go check on him... Good bye Salem.

She leaves.

Great red is still sitting on Atlas, he looks at the dust crystal fields and smiles, he senses a dragon's power coming from them.

Great red: very creative young hatchling.... Very creative.

Ophis appears.

Ophis: indeed he is..... Thanks for helping red.

Great red: I would have helped even if you didn't ask me. I saw his dreams and nightmares..... Most were nightmares....

Ophis: ..... I couldn't do it...

Great red: it can be impossible for some to hurt the ones they care about....

Grayfia, Winter and Weiss got to know each other, the ice queens got along a little too well. Azazel, Qrow and Raven talked. Raven and Ironwood still feel like they did this to Issei but in reality it only made him angry, it was the 12 who showed up out of the blue that made him snap. Azazel is so curious about this world and about the dust crystals, semblances and how they are still a mystery to even the users but all of that can wait, none are relaxed as they are worried about Issei. He opened his eyes after another day or two and everyone felt relieved. He found himself strapped to the bed and ascalon is taken away from him, they don't want to see him end his life prior to his heart stopping but there was something different about him, he didn't smile, talked in a almost robotic way, he didn't move much. It worried everyone yet again, scans show that he has no emotions for the time being, his transformation effected his body too, he can't use much of his power, physical tests show that he can't exert himself, no running, lifting, flying or even standing for more than 15 minutes. Basically, he burned out. The curse makes any therapy ineffective. It hurts to even flap his wings. Kuroka and Yasaka were brought to Remnant to use sage magic to heal him but this goes beyond physical therapy. Kuroka cried when she saw his condition. He sleeps a lot more now. He's constantly tired when he's awake and has lost interest in just about everything.

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