Dreams 36

20 0 0

"Dude your great." Austin came up and patted Wes on the back.

"Uh thanks man I do try."

"Haha your funny to."

Ok ok we can talk more at my house.

"Why are we going to your house?"

Wes looked at me so confused.

"Kid you got a lot to learn."

Ok so pizza or should my mom make burgers.

I got a jumbled up bit of both. Ok that answers that question.


That's not funny, no seriously Blake give it back.

Ryan came down the stairs because of my screaming.

"What's wrong"

Blake stole my phone.

"Oh, not cool man give it back."

Blake just smirked and put it in his pants.

Ewww that's so gross, now I have to buy a new phone.

I grabbed a pillow and chunked it at his head. Peter grabbed my phone and tossed it to me.

Thank you. I smiled my random cheeky smile at him.

"Get that damn grin off your face."

I just smiled some more then walked in to my closet to change in to my pajamas.


After they left it was just me, Sam and Peter.

We played COD for a while then I'm guessing I crashed around one.


Hey guys so this one is almost a filler on some parts. You all completed the challenge I love you all so so much.

And as you can see I have kept up my end of the deal.

So I have another challenge for you.

This is a lot to ask but I want to have 800 reads by tomorrow at 3pm.

I know you can do it.

And I will post by next Monday.

See you later my sweet sweet turtles.

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