Dreams 26

32 0 1


Nathan came in and sat down on the couch next to me.

"What are you not talking today?"

I just looked up at him.
He smiled.

"That's fine we don't need to talk."

He started leaning in while I was leaning away. I ended up on my back on the couch.
He just sat there his face inches away from mine.

"What's wrong Jay Jay."

I got up and put my head on his shoulder.

"If its about Sam Peter told me already."

You have to promise that you won't freak.
He leaned back and put my head in his lap.

Sam told me that he loved me yesterday.
Nathan's fists clenched.
I grabbed his arm. You said your wouldn't freak.

"What did you say back?"

I said nothing back.

He was fuming now.

"So do you feel the same way towards him."

Nathan why would you say that.

His face relaxed a little.

"I don't know Jay Jay I'm sorry."

He pulled me in to his arms and just kinda held me.
He pulled me away from his chest.

"What's wrong?"

Why who us any thing be wrong.
I looked at his shirt. It was soaked. I must have been crying
Dammit.Take your shirt off.


Your all wet

He took off his shirt.

"Earth to Jammie."

I looked up from his chest.

"Do I really look that good?"

I felt my cheeks turn red.

He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

I'm taking that as a yes.


Aww so cute. Kinda a cliff hanger.
Go on and hate.

Teaser: probably going to be a POV or something.

Update coming soon.

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