Dreams 32

37 0 0

I put my hands over Nathan's eyes and Peter led him out the door to my car.

Ok are you ready?



I took my hands off his eyes.

"Wow James you really out did yourself."

"Dude that's not even half."

"How did you get FUN. Tickets? I thought they were sold out."

Have you met my mother?

"Yes I have and she is a very nice woman."

So are you ready to go? 


he leaned in to kiss me. It hurts to stop him but I had to.


You have to wait.

"Wha.... Why it's my birthday."

Oh stop crying and get in the car.

"Sir yes sir."

Peter busted up laughing.

Your lucky its your birthday or else you would be in the ER.

"Ok ok I'm done."

The rest of the way to school Nathan and Peter belted out some nights by FUN.

I swear you guys should audition for America's got talent or some thing.

"Thank you." They said at the same time.

Yeah yeah come on.

I got out of the car.

Austin came running.  

"Holy shit."


"James your wearing a dress."


"Never mind"

"James what's this?"

What's what?"

Nathan pointed to a huge sign that had is name on it with an arrow.

I don't know you will just have to follow the arrows.

Uh ok.

Ryan came up behind me with a video camera.

All the signs said something sweet about Nathan and they ended up leading him to the football field. The whole football team was there same with basketball soccer and cheer. They all said happy birthday at the same time.

Nathan just kinda turned pink and I saw tears build up in his eyes.  

It was kind of a giant group hug.

He looked down at me. "Can I kiss you now."



Awwww how cute. I would totally do that for my boyfriend.

Sorry it took so long to update. I've had major writers block. Any who I hope you like it.

I love all my turtles

Bye---------------> :T

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