Dreams 29

39 0 1

Major authors note at the end of chapter please read.


He looked up from his notes.

"What do you want." 

I'm sorry about Nathan and I still want us to be friends.

My words came out to fast and they slurred.

I sucked in a breath to keep from crying.

"Look jay jay it's ok I'm sorry I wasted your time."

Sam is that what you think. If you were waiting my time I would have stopped hanging out with you a long time ago.

I saw him try to smile.

Sam when you said I love you it was weird. I have always loved you, now your more like a brother than a boyfriend.

"Jammie I know. I never wanted to offend you I just wanted you to know that I'm always there for you."

I couldn't help the tears rolling down my face Sam just wrapped me in his arms.

"What am I gonna do with you jay jay?"

I don't know Sam.

He laughed.

"Jay can you promise me something?"

Sure Sam.

"No matter who owns your heart will I be your number one blocker?"

I looked up at him.

Your always going to be my number one. I promise.


"Ok come on Jammie were going to be late."

Mom. Why do I have to go to work with you.

"I need your help with some stuff."

Ok fine.

I pushed my self off the couch and into my closet. I pulled on some jeans and a white ruffle shirt. I put on my grey vans and walked in to to living room.

"Well at least your wearing a nice shirt."

So are you ready?

"Just get in the car."

We walked in to my moms studio.



"Zoe got sick and we don't have a back up."

My mom looked at me.

What? No. No mom I'm not gonna.....

"Please Jammie please."

I caved,

Fine mom.

"Girls help Jammie get ready."


Hey Nattily.

"Your gonna hate me when in done with you."

God is it that bad.


Just hold still.

My hair was curled and put pined up.

Nattily was in a white dress that was to the floor. It was strapless and tight fitting in her torso, then just trained out. Short in front long in the back. 

Amanda's was exactly like hers just a peach color, and mine was yellow. 

It actually looked nice.

"I think I did a good job."

I looked at my hair and makeup.

It looks really good Nattily.

Come on girls.


Cliff hanger.... Ok so Jammie is helping her mom with work. 

Her mom is a fashion disinter if you did not know.

OK sorry updates are so far apart. I'm getting ready for high school and college. Yes I know ridiculous right. 

So I will try to update within the next week.

Teaser: what will everyone say about Jammie modeling for her mom.

Update within the next week.

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