Dreams 30

30 0 1

"Thanks for helping me Sweetheart."

I looked at my mom from the passenger seat.

Your welcome. And if you ever need help with stuff like that just ask.

"Yeah about that....... I want you to work for me."


If I hade water I would have done a spit take.

Mom you have never asked me to work for you before.

"I know, but you look happy when your with Nattily and Amanda. Their like your girlie football players."

She started to go on but I cut her off.

I'll do it.

Her face lit up.



I never told anyone this except sophie, but ever since I was little I wanted to be a model for my mom. I just never wanted to become stuck up and annoying like Emily.

I ran upstairs in to my bed room. I knew the guys wouldn't go up there. 

I punched in Sophie's number. I only had to wait one ring before she picked up.


Sophie my mom asked me to work for her.

"Oh my god really? You've waited your whole life for this."

I know I'm so happy.

I herd someone say something to her in the back ground.

"Sorry jay jay I have to go."

Ok by Sophie.


"Well someone's happy."

I was running down the stairs in to Nathan's arms.

"Why are you so happy."

He pulled me away from him to look into my eyes.

I'm gonna be a model for ENK.

"No way...... What's that."

God Nathan. I'm going to work for my mother.

"Oh...well that's something to be happy about. We should celebrate, I'm gonna take you out for dinner." 

He was in the middle of grabbing his keys.



You can't take me out tonight.

"And why is that?"

He was walking over to me with a concerned look on his face.

Because I'm taking you out for your birthday tomorrow.

"So what does that have to do with tonight."

Please let's just stay here tonight.


So Jammie's going to be a model now. Will this effect her football career, And her other interests.

Teaser: how is Nathan's birthday going to end up.

Update coming soon.

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