Dreams 15

35 0 1

Hey man she's awake.  

I could hear Nathan talking to Sam.


Yeah Jammie

Let him sleep he looks exhausted.

Well to tell you the truth you do to Jay.

Shut up. 

I was trying to sound mean but my voice cracked and I started coughing my head off.

Once I finished I herd Nathan mocking me.

Don't wake him up Jammie.

Kiss my ass Nathan. 

It came out raspy.

Gladly, he smirked and said something to Sam then walked out if the room.

Sam walked over and sat on the edge of my bed.

How long have you been awake.

About twenty minutes.

Why didn't you wake me up.

He was getting mad.  

I put my hand on his chest. 

Slow down there big guy.  

You looked like shit so we let you sleep.

Well thanks but really....

I cut him off 

But really my ass.

He was leaning in just when Nathan walked back in.

Wow.... Do I need to step out of the room again.

He had a grin on his face but I could tell he was jealous.

No Nathan you can stay.


What do you mean by she had to go in to another surgery. She's had three already.

In the last one that we did we found a problem and we have I go I and fix it.

Well why couldn't you have fixed it in the last surgery.

Miss she has lost to much blood it was to risky.

Ok, so what was the problem.

When the bone snapped in the crash the other half of the bone started growing back.  

That's why she has been in pain.

How can you help.

We're going to half to amputate.


I woke up screaming my head off.

My mom was right by my side.

What's wrong honey.

I did not dare look up or at my leg.

Mom please is my leg still there.

Yes hun why wouldn't it be.

Oh gosh thank goodness.

You just had a bad dream that's all.

She wrapped me up in her arms.

It felt good to be in my moms arms again.


Well this one was an other filler but a pretty awesome one at that.

Teaser: first week of school, how is that going to work for Jammie.

Update coming soon

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