My Sister Unhealed

Start from the beginning

"That's an idea." Snape said jovially, her head snapped up in alarm. His previous anger filled features were smoothed out into an uplifted appearance. 

"You can't!" Aurora suddenly shouted, ignoring the pain in her leg and surged forward. She grabbed Snape's arm desperately, "Please... I know he deserves it...but you've got to understand how he thinks...please Snape, he's a bastard, but he's.. he's my father." 

Snape shrugged her grasp off his arm and glared down his nose at her, "I don't care." 

Aurora chewed her lip anxiously as she tried to think of ways to make him see reason. "The dark lord probably won't like you killing one of his followers." She said, a smirk sliding across her face. She knew Snape wouldn't want to displease his master. 

"The dark lord would probably reward me for my initiative in punishing those who threaten to disobey him. Your father was just reminded, moments before his violent attack on you, that you were now mine, and he had no actual say in the affair. If anything, he has brought this sentence upon himself!" He finished spouting at her, and gave her a cruel smile.

"I won't do it right away of course. There is still the matter of getting you checked over by a healer, as well as your punishment to discuss." he said deviously.

Aurora floundered, "B- but, what did I do?" she squeaked.

Snape leaned forward, until his lips were nearly touching hers. He put a single digit underneath her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. There was amusement reflected in his dark pools, "My initial question of what had transpired against you, went unanswered, as you threw yourself, willingly, into another male's embrace. How would it look if I let such a blatant act of disrespect slide?" He said. 

Aurora's gut twisted in revulsion at the implication of his words, "Regulus is my brother. Which you obviously know. How can you insinuate that there was anything at all involved in our hug? "

Snape grinned at her cruelly, and he twisted her head slightly to the side. He brought his lips to her ear as he breathed, "How do I know what sick thoughts pollute that disgusting mind of yours." He moved his nose down slightly in order to nuzzle the base of her throat provocatively. "Perhaps I should purge you of the filthy notion. " 

Despite hating every word coming out of his vile mouth, and not at all agreeing with him, Aurora still moaned from the attentions he was giving her neck. Snape pulled back and looked at her in amusement, "I'm starting to think you have come to enjoy our little punishing sessions. Maybe we shall up the game and start introducing more corporeal reprimands." Aurora shivered at the intense way his eyes roved over her skin. A finger trailed down from her neck, and left a path of goose bumps as he dragged the appendage down to the ripped opening in her robes. 

She hissed sharply in pain, and glared hotly at Snape. He had pushed the pad of his finger firmly against the raised area of her recently marred thigh. He frowned, "I really should have you see a healer first." He murmured. 

Snape stepped away from her regretfully and walked over to the entrance of the room, "stay here. I will return with a healer shortly." He said, looking at her intensely, conveying the likelihood of his anger should she disobey. 

Aurora nodded her head tiredly, there was no way she was going to leave the rooms again that night. She had barely even been at the celebration for more than twenty minutes before her father had attacked her. However, she felt drained, and the thought of climbing into the bed was beginning to sound more appealing than mingling with a bunch of dark lord, worshippers. 

He left the room and she immediately walked over and sank into the couch. She leaned her head back on the armrest and brought her legs up to the cushion next to her. Closing her eyes, she hoped she would get some sleep before Snape returned with the healer. 

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