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Just when the contestants were full of doubts and had not yet understood what was going on with these monkeys, the monkeys suddenly began to beat their feet and chests, howl and rush towards them at a very fast speed. It's twice as fast as the beginning.

The players had just entered the fifth floor and were attacked before they could see the environment clearly. They began to run for their lives inexplicably. While running for their lives, they cursed: "What the hell, what's going on? How can this be played!" Netizens in front of the screen looked at the embarrassed players

. And the crazy monkey can't help but send barrages like crazy.

【? ? ? Is this different from when Jiang You came? 】

【It's so confusing. What's going on? You started attacking before you even picked up the banana? ]

[Wherever Jiang You goes, the difficulty of the task doubles! 】

Netizens looked at the group of monkeys who were madly retaliating against others because they were bullied by Jiang You, and even began to suspect that this was Jiang You's conspiracy.

[It was definitely Jiangyou who asked them to do this! ]

[Do you think it can be so outrageous! Use your brain! 】

【Can this be considered outrageous for Jiang You? ]

[Um...that makes sense! I can't refute it at all! 】

While the contestants on the fifth floor were struggling to complete their tasks while being chased by the monkeys, Jiang You had already walked through the passage leading to the fourth floor. The moment he opened the door, a prompt sounded throughout the audience: "A contestant has entered the fourth floor. ."

As soon as this prompt sounded, those players who were avoiding the monkey attack on the fifth floor became uneasy. You know, there can only be one champion.

In an instant, all the contestants began to go berserk, getting into 100% fighting condition and fighting the monkeys with all their strength. For a time, the fifth floor fell into chaos, which scared the audience.

[Oh my god, the combat effectiveness of the players has soared! ]

[Are they crazy? The monkey is crazy, the players are crazy, this is really challenging the limit! ]

[Jiang You is really poisonous, turning the arena into a battlefield...]

[I'm afraid now that they know Jiang You was the first to enter the fourth level, why don't they join forces to deal with her? 】

【That makes sense! Jiangyou, run! 】

At this time, Jiang You had no idea what was going on behind her. When she entered the fourth floor, she saw a desert, with layers of sand dunes constantly changing shape and direction under the influence of the wind. The wind and sand all over the sky are so confusing that people can’t even open their eyes.

The moment Jiang You entered, he immediately entered a state of alert. The terrain of the desert is the most unpredictable, and it is easy for enemies to use the desert to hide themselves and launch surprise attacks.

She looked around, and everywhere she looked, there was only sand and no exit.

[What's going on, desert? ]

[Where is the door? Didn't you see it? 】

Netizens followed the camera and looked around, and they were confused. There was no sign of any mission at all.

Just when netizens were scratching their heads, a red door suddenly appeared in the distance, dangling on the ground.

【Door! Go quickly! ]

She became famous in the entertainment industry by forceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt