Chapter 39

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We had managed to escape the street, our hearts still pounding from the close encounter with the zombies. The narrow alley had offered a brief respite, but now we found ourselves back on the open road, walking amidst the wreckage of a once bustling city.

After escaping the street, we continued down the road, searching for a safe place to rest and gather supplies. In the distance, Veronica spotted a large truck and gestured toward it. "Hey, look over there. We should check the truck to see if we can find anything useful."

Gabriel, ever cautious, advised, "We need to be careful

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Gabriel, ever cautious, advised, "We need to be careful. It could be a trap."

With Gabriel's warning in mind, I decided to move closer to the truck, examining it carefully. It was a massive hospital truck with "Emergency Medical Services" painted on its side. The vehicle had clearly seen better days. Its front tire was punctured, and the front seat was open, indicating that it had been in an accident.

I approached the truck with a mix of hope and trepidation. The damaged tire seemed like a stroke of luck, suggesting that it might have been abandoned rather than intentionally left as a trap.

I peered into the front part of the vehicle, searching for any supplies or clues. Inside, I noticed a small first aid kit and nothing else.

" I'm hungry," Jack said, his voice filled with desperation.

"We can find something to eat in there," I replied, gesturing toward the back of the abandoned hospital truck. Our growing hunger overshadowed our earlier unease.

As Jack and I moved closer to the vehicle, Gabriel's unease became palpable. His instincts had served us well in the past,

and I could see the worry etched across his face. He gently bumped into me and whispered, "Athena, I feel something unusual here, an eerie feeling."

"What happened, Gabriel?" I asked.

Gabriel placed his ear near the truck's door, listening carefully for any sound. His unease grew as he heard faint, unsettling noises from within.

Alex, driven by curiosity, had already started to open the truck's door. The creaking of the door echoed loudly in the silent street. Gabriel urgently called out to him, "Alex, don't open that door!"

But it was too late. Alex had already swung the door open. The inside of the truck revealed a chilling sight, something beyond our darkest nightmares.

As soon as Alex swung the truck's door open, a group of half-mutilated zombies spilled out, lunging at him with a chilling, guttural growl.

"Noo!" Jack shouted, panic overtaking his voice.

Gabriel reacted quickly, shouting to Jack, "Hold my hand!" In the chaos, he reached out, grabbing Jack and pulling him away from the horrifying scene.

Jack was close to Alex, who was now desperately fending off the attacking zombies.

Nixie's voice pierced through the nightmare as she shouted, "Run!"

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